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Cassidi's P.O.V.
I was released from the hospital early today.
I get a taxi and he drives me to the only place I could think of going.
Skylar's house.
He pulls up, I pay him and run to the door.
I turn the nob, and luckily it was unlocked.
I jump inside and take off my shoes.
Yes! Jack is here!
I look to my right and see the living room.

I walk into the room and see the most heart breaking thing on earth.
Skylar, wrapped up in Jacks arms, both asleep.
Skylar's sweater was off, and both their hair was a mess.

I break down, look for the closest thing that was breakable and slam it onto the ground.
Ceramic covers the floor and Jack and Skylar jolt awake.

I look at Jack, tears streaming down my face.

I run outside, leaving my shoes and everything.

Tears kept running down my cheeks. I got to a field and sat down.
I start pulling at my hair, and screaming.

"I NEED MORE! I NEED TO FORGET!" I start having a tantrum

"Cass, calm down" I feel Jacks big hands grip my arms

"Let go of me you filthy cheating bastard!" I scream, releasing myself from his grip

I turn around and slap him on the face, leaving scratch marks on his cheek

I start running again, not knowing where I'm going, I'm just running.

I need to find that doctor, I need more. I don't want to me on this earth anymore.
{3 days later}
I have been staying at some random girl from schools house.
She did drugs, so I mean that was a plus.

I've spent my days, either getting high, or moping in the corner.

He was the only thing keeping me from killing myself. He saved me.
But he forgot about me, while I was in the hospital, for SKYLAR.

I finally took a shower, and comb the rats nest, that is my hair.

I stole some of this chicks clothes and left.
I walked to the park, where I had my freak out.

I see Jack and walk straight past him.

"CASSIDI! Please wait"
I ignore him
"Cassidi! I need you!"

"If you 'NEED' me so much, then why didn't you go have sex with Skylar!"

"We only kissed, I promise" A tear falls off his face

"Right, cause a kiss is SOO much better right Jack RIGHT!?" I feel my blood start to boil.

"I know, I don't even know what was going through my head"

"Jack, I love you, but I was in the hospital. I wish I could've kissed you, and felt the warmth of your big hands on me. I wish it was me, cuddled up to you on the couch at Sky's."
Tears are pouring out of my eyes

He walks up to me.
And kisses me, more passionately then ever. Jack picks me up and spins me around.
I tangle my hands in his soft brown hair.

He sets me back on the ground.

"I've missed that..." I sigh

"Come on, let's get you home"
He smiles

"It's gonna take a lot more then that to get my forgiveness"
Jack smirks and leads me to the car.

We pull up to his house and walk inside.
I take off my shoes, which I stole, And look around the medium sized house.

I look at Jack and he licks his lips.
He walks over to me, pushes me against the wall and starts kissing me.

He picks me up and brings me to his room, not breaking the kiss once.

"I hope this will get your forgiveness" he mutters and smirks at me.

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