Hey Bro

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Nicks POV
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I was sitting at home siting on the couch with mum and Skylar while dad cooked us supper. We were watching 'Underdog', Skylars favourite movie, on our tv. It was a medium seized tv and my dad said one day it can be in my room. I hear a knock on my door so I run up to go and see who it is. When I open it, it's Wallas. Me and Wallas has been best friends for a while now but I got news from Lisa, Skylars best friend who happens to be Wallases girlfriend, was dead. I pull him into a bro hug and whisper what's up.

"I'm scared man," he chokes back "everyone thinks I'm dead, gone. I can't go to Lisa because I feel like she'll hate me to much to let me back in," He choked back again before taking a deep breath.

"Well, what can I do? Can I call your mum and dad and tell them your alright?" I ask. Wallas shakes his head no. I was so confused. Why wouldn't he want to be found?

"I don't want them to think I'm alive," Wallas throws his hands up. I felt like questioning Wallas further but my mom called me for diner. I look into Wallases deep eyes and look back at the kitchen.

"I'll help you," I whisper "I'm going to university next year. You can come with me and restart," I turn back and nod. He nods a million times. "Go get a hotel for the night. I'll come get you tomorrow," I instruct. Wallas nods and turns and walks away. I take a deep breath and walk back inside, closing the fragile door behind me.
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A year has past by really quickly and now I'm at university, with Wallas. My parents offered to drive me that day but I told them I need to do this on my own. They agreed and so I grabbed all my stuff and picked up Wallas at this dump motel he's been staying in for the past year. Now let me tell you, Wallas is a new guy down here. He's popular and happy. I've been taking my classes while Wallas slacked off in my room. He rented the other side of the room and the university was surprisingly okay with that. Everything was fine until I decided to go back and see my sister. Wallas told me to see Lisa and tell him how she's doing. I agreed but came back with bad news. I was at the hospital with Sky for a little and I came back and told Wallas I didn't et a chance to talk to Lisa, for his own good. He's been doing great getting over her so I decided to let him have his life back.
*Flashback over*
On the bus the only thing I can think of is how I helped Wallas pretend he was dead. I'm so embarrassed now. I feel and ache in my stomach when I hear the bus driver scream "Last stop!". I slowly stand up and grab my bag which is over head. I slip out of the seating row and slide out of the bus. I look around at all these happy couples and family's gasping at their loved ones step off of the luxury bus. I try and look for my beloved family but I can't see anyone. I hear a squeak beside me so I turn to see my sister, covering a smile. A giant smile grows on my face and I pull her into a hug. I know she has amnesia but I can't help it, I love her. I don't expect her arms to rap around me but when I feel them do so, my heart begins to flutter. My smile grows ten times the seize it already was and my jaw and cheeks begin to hurt.

I pull away from Skylar and watch her wipe a tear away from her blushed cheek and smile warmly. "Hey bro, I'm here to pick you up," she slightly chokes back. I chuckle and throw my bag back over my shoulders and grab Skylars hand. She drags me to her car and I throw my things in the trunk before slipping into the drivers seat. I have. I idea why Skylar would actually let me drive her car.

"I'm beginning to actually remember stuff Nick, it's crazy. Just the other day it felt like I was waking up for the first time and now I'm beginning to have dreams I know are real. Like the other day when I remembered the first time I tried to kill myself. You and Lisa were there. And last night I had a dream about jumping from the second floor window and then I had a dream about me and you as young kids. You threw a tube of gel at me and screamed at me to stop waisting your gel on my hair for experiments. And then I threw it back screaming I'm a girl shut up and then I stomped out," Skykar smiles and giggles the whole way trough. I take peeks at her from time to time just to see her smile at all the old memories. I was so happy to be back with her again.
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Jacks POV
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Cassidi is tossing and turning and gripping onto the bed sheets. I was beginning to get scared when she just all of a sudden woke up. She actually woke up. She spring to life from her dream world and with wide dilated eyes looked at me. "I need more," she whispered. "More of what Cassidi?" I ask confused as hell. She turns away and looks at the door and gets out of bed. "Cass it's not good to be out of bed," I caution her. She cracks her head at me and gives me a major death stare. I stand up and walk right up to her face. "Stop and go back to bed Cass," I instruct her. She squints her eyes madly and then softens her face. "It's an addiction Jack. It's not my fault," and then she sprites out of the room.

I begin to chase after her as she runs down the hallways. She cuts and corner with her sticky bear feet while my converse slid and I struggle to stand up and keep going. Her feet are squeaking down the halls as I'm scared out of my mind I'm going to loose her. She turns one final corner into "Medicine room". My heart begins to pump faster. "She addicted? To what?" I whisper and question to myself. I look right and left down the halls looking for a doctor or nurse as a precaution. I enter cautiously and find Cassidi searching through a thousand cabinets. I grab her arms to make her stop but she squirms from my reach. Pills smashing against the cold slabs of marble while liquids of all sorts leak from their bottles. Cassidis hands are slashing all the pill boxes and containers so I attempt to grab her one last time. I grow my arms around her really quickly and lock them tightly and lift her bare feet from the cold floor. She attempts to get out of my arms by slashing her head around and kicking my with her feet and trying to wiggle her arms but I half tight. Eventually she stopped and broke down crying. I was about to set her down until I saw all the pills and liquids on the ground so I thought how about no. I opened the door slowly to once again check if there were any doctors, nope. I crept out of the closet with a crying teenager in a hospital gown trying to find her God damn room again. I turned the corner to exit and bumped into someone making Cassidi say ouch. I tilt my head to look past Cassidi still lifted from the ground to see that slim doctor who injected that medicine into her. Cassidi started thrashing around again to I made my grip tighter once again. "I need more!" Cassidi screams at the doctor. He smirks darkly and shakes his head. "No darling, not until tonight," he chuckles evils and creeps away. I turn around to look at his disgusting self but then continue to walk. He's the one who drugged her! At first I thought she was sleeping but them she didn't wake up and started gripping the sheets tight so I thought she was drugged but then Let the idea go and now I prouved I was right all along. What am I going to do? The best thing now is to get Cassidi to her room. I zip down the hallways with a thrashing Cassidi in my grip trying to find her room in this maze of a hospital. I finally come to a corner and find her room. I take a deep breath and lay her down in her bed. I quickly jolt up and run to the door to close it. Poor Cassidi. I've gotta get her out of here.

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