Rein/Harley's Story

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*7 Years Ago* Rein's POV
I was on the swing, my pale legs being too short to touch the ground. I swung them back and forth and back and forth but still didn't move.

A boy from my class was playing soccer but walked over to me. He looked mad. He walked to the only other swing that was beside me and sat down. Was I invisible to him? I kept kicking my legs, why did I have to be so short?

"Whatever your name is, can you please stop?" He grumbled.

"Rein." I said.

"What? It's not raining. Wait! Can you predict the weather?" He got excited.

"Um, no." I replied.

"Then why did you say rain?" He asked.

"Because that's my name." I said.

"Oh, well I'm Harley." He smiled at me. His smile was really cute. "Need a push?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. That would be lovely." I smiled back. He took the chains of my swing and backed up, then, he pushed me really forcefully. I screamed and he grabbed the swing to slow me down.

"Rein! Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you!" He hugged me. This was kinda weird. Then the recess bell rang and we raced inside.

In class, Harley left his group table of all of his friends and sat at my lonely one. I was the only one who sat there but I was fine with it.

"Harley has a girlfriend! Harley has a girlfriend!" His friends sang. He got mad again and took my math book and threw it at them. It kinda hurt that he would be embarrassed to have me as his girlfriend. He walked away from me and asked the teacher something and he left the class.

*a few months later*

It was February 14th. Valentine's Day.
All of the other girls in my class wore makeup that day.. I don't know why.

Bradley Benson walked up to Miranda Menas and gave her a chocolate bunny. I was confused because it wasn't even Easter.

All of the boys and girls were paired up except for me. I pushed past everyone and went to my lonely desk. There was a note on my chair.

"Lonely Loser"

It read.
I ripped up the note and sat and cried. The bell rang to let us out for recess. I stayed at my desk and sobbed into my arms. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I thought it was the teacher so I nudged it away.

"Oh come on Rein. Let's go to our swings." Harley said.

"No." I replied. He literally picked me up and carried me outside. He put me down on a swing and looked directly at his group of friends who were staring right back at us.

"Will you give me a push?" I asked. He nodded and went behind me. I looked at his friends and they were chuckling.

This time instead of Harley grabbing the swings chains, he put his hands on my back. I readied myself to swing but something happened.

Harley pushed me directly off of the swing and ran to his friends. They were all laughing. Especially Harley.

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