After math

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Skylars POV
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It's been a month since I've talked to Harley. I miss him a lot. I mean I've seen him with Jack and Cassidi on Instagram but I haven't gotten to see him. I was laying on my bed searching through Instagram trying to find something to do. My heartbreak hurts to much to do anything. Nick is leaving today though. He has to go back and I told him that. He can't just stop going to school because of his emotionally stupid sister. He told me Wallas and Lisa reunited. I don't even remember Wallas but Nick and Lisa explained to me how much Lisa and Wallas love each other. Lisa's texted me once about it. She wanted me to go over and meet him but I told her I've got to get over my heartbreak first. I feel like a sappy piece of shît right now. I place my phone on my bare stomach due to my crop top and let a tear stream down my cheek. I sit up to the noise of someone entering my room. It was my mom. She came back the day Harley and I had broken up. Luckily too, I was an emotional reck and still am.

"Nicks leaving bunny. Come down and say goodbye," She states. I nod and throw my feet over the side of my bed to feel my toes touch the fuzzy carpet. I stand up and let my phone fall on the floor and walk out of my room in shorts and my crop top along with my long hair in a messy bun. I let my emotions leak to the outside. I rush out of my room and down the stairs to jump into Nicks arms. I feel him smile into my shoulder and sigh.

"Please get over him sis. He's not worth this," Nick tries to comfort me.

"Yeah he is," I mumble into his shoulder. He puts me down and smiles.

"I'm gonna miss you," he kisses me on the forehead. "Bye mom," he hugs my mother "I'll miss you," he mumbles.

"Love you," me and my mother say in sync. He smiles and grabs his bag and open the front door the reveal the beautiful sun beam down on us all. "Bye," I whisper while another tear runs down my cheek. Nick walks out and closes the door lightly. By then I'm already broken down into my mothers arms crying about someone who I should be over with. "Mom did I tell you I graduated early? Online," I mention calmly. My mother pulls herself from my arms and smiles.

"Bunny that's amazing! I'm really proud of you!" She exclaims.

"I just didn't want to go back to school so it's okay now," I smile widely. I feel my heart crumble again into one million pieces and then disappear like I have nothing left. But why? "Mom?" I ask liking into her beautiful eyes.

"Yes?" She answers.

"Tell me everything terrible Harley ever did,"

"What? Why?"

"I need to get over him,"

My mother agrees and grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs to my bedroom. She sits me down onto my soft lonely bed and takes a deep breath. I don't know why but I want Harley to look like a bad person in my eyes.

"When you first met him he called you an attention whore right to your face," my mother begins.

Yeah but he called me pretty later didn't he...

"Oh and one time in tenth grade he told you to grow some boobs,"

Yeah but he didn't mind how big they were like a month ago.

"And in eleventh grade he dated your enemy to get back at you for kissing one of his best friends," she giggles.

Yeah but he loved me more than he could ever love her.

"Never mind mom, it's not working. I'll get over him by eating chocolate," I close my eyes "but thanks for trying," I smile and hug my mom. I wish it did work though. And I have put on some weight since the break up but I don't really care. I stand up and walk out of my room and walk into the kitchen and grab a chocolate bar from the counter. God I miss him.
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Jessica's POV
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I've just been sitting here at my house, trying to graduate and trying to get a grip, because I feel like a failure. I mean everyone has been having a rough time but so have I. I haven't been in the picture since Harley was in the hospital. Lisa now has a boyfriend again, Wallas, who has been dead for the past however many years and they just get back together. Seems legit. Oh and Harley and Skylar broke up last moth and Rein is still sad about Jason's passing but she's doing better but me? I think I'm just a bit sad now. I have no real friends anymore. They have all left me alone. I haven't told anyone but I'm leaving for good now. I'm packing my bags and leaving for Europe. I have a cousin who lives down there and she's agreed to help change my life around. I'm rather excited. I sit up from laying on my bed and stand up to walk over to my huge closet. I open it up and grab my suitcase from the top shelf and begin to drag things off of their hangers. I take almost everything really. A wave of happiness washes over me as I look at my phone to see my cousin calling me. I eagerly pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"hey Jessi!" She exclaims on the other side. "Ready to restart?" She ask.

"Yes. I'll see you tomorrow," I smile widely.

"Bye love. I'll see you," she says and hangs up.

God I can't believe I'm going through with this. I smile to myself full of joy for my new beginning. This is amazing. I closed my suitcase and sat on it, goodbye life.
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Harley's POV
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I haven't stopped thinking about her ever since we broke up. I remember her saying she still likes me and that really stuck. Likes? Why not love ? I mean that's what we had right? I stood up from my bed and trotted down my stairs one by one until I tripped on the last on and fell into the wall.

"Jack called. He wants to meet up with you today," Mali blurts out. I look around the corner and smile. "What?" She asks looking up from her phone whipping her brown to blonde ombréd hair from her face.

"Nothing. It's cool he actually wants to hang with me. Cassidi and him have been having a rough time but I think she's okay," I shrug. Mali nods and stand up adjusting her mini pink pj shorts and walking past me and up the stairs.

"Have fun with your loser friends loser," She waves backwards stumbling up the stairs. I shake my head and skip up to the kitchen island and grab my phone. I call Jack and he picks up within the first ring.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hey man. Mali told me you wanted to meet up?" I asked in return.

"Um...oh yeah yeah right! Want to meet at McDonalds? I'm hungry," Jack wonders.

"Yeah sure see you there," I hang up the phone. I sit down on counter. I look up to see my mom standing there. She brushes her short hair from her eyes and smiles sadly. "What's up mum?" I ask hopping down from the counter.

"I feel responsible for you and Skylars break-up," she sighs. I look up from my phone with a lost look. Of course she's the reason for the break-up! She's the one making me move. I'm supposed to move in one month exacly.

"Mum I love you but honestly you were the reson we broke up. And honestly it hurts to know you actually never even thought about how it would effect me and Mali. But I'm glad you got the job," I finish and brush past her running out the door to get in my truck and drive off to the closest McDonalds to meet Jack.

Once I arrived at the McDonalds I parcked beside Jack and kicked my truck door open and stomped into McDonalds to see Jack stuffing his face with a big mac. "Couldn't wait for me?" I chuckle. Jack turns to me with a full mouth and smiles putting his burger down and swallowing. I prance over to him and hop on the chair beside him. I sigh and look at his food. "I miss her," I mumble putting my head in my hands. Jack pats me on the back so I lift my head to see him smiling.

"You'll make it through man. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be?" He questions me at the end. I shake my head. She was the best thing that even happened to me. I look down at my phone in my hand and see its from Skylar. I stare at it in shock. I couldn't answer it though. I just kept starring and hoping it would go away. It did and there was a voice mail left. I open my phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hey Harley its um Skylar. I knew you wouldn't pick up and I'm kinda glad you didn't pick up because I could never be brave enough to say this to your face but...I love you. I still do. I miss you but yeah anyways okay bye," she then hung up. I put my phone down and smile widely. She still loves me. I look up at Jack and smile. He smirks and goes back to eating his food. But can I honestly go back? I'm moving...

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