Wallas got drunk, Cassidi got drugged

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Lisa's POV
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I started freaking out when I got that note last night but I was on my way to the hospital now. Wallas? I don't know any Wallases! Except for the dead one who happens to be my ex. I loved Wallas a lot and I can't stop thinking about him now. I mean I loved him so much and then he goes and dies in a drunk car accident. My grip grew tighter on the leather steering wheel and my knuckles turn white. My grip slowly loosens once I begin to think of the good times with Wallas, the only guys I've actually ever loved.

"Wallas stop!" I scream from under him on the couch. Wallas was so hilarious but when he tickled me it was no laughing matter, for him anyways. Wallas finally stopped tickling me and looked me straight in my eyes. My heart grew three seizes that day. I finally make a hilarious face to break the awkward silence. Wallas let out a huge laugh and I giggled at how cute his laugh is. He stopped his big laugh and met his gaze with mine. He slowly leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss which made Wallas smile as well. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in closer for another kiss. Our lips moved in sync as did our actions. After what seemed like two seconds Wallases phone began to ring. I giggled and Wallas sat up and got off of me. Wallas lazily takes his phone out of his pocket and answers with a pissed 'what?'. As the conversation goes on I get up and walk over to him and hug him from behind.

"Sounds great," Wallas finally finishes and hangs up. He slowly and carefully explains what he was going to do tonight with his friends. He was going to a party and told me I should come. I nod in agreement and he tells me to go upstairs. I go to my bedroom and find a beautiful dress laying on my bed. I cover my mouth covering my huge smile. I grab it and strip myself to put it on. It's a lace top with a sweetheart neckline plus ruffles going down the skirt with a belt at waist level to end the lace top and begin the flowery skirt. I smile and dance around until Wallas comes up and smiles.

"You look beautiful," he says out of breath to be dramatic. I blush intensity and look back in the mirror. I swiftly turn back to Wallas and mouth the words thank you. He leans back on his hands on my bed and winks with a smirk.
We arrived at a big party with thousands of people. My head was turning. All theses girls who looked like sluts and then there was little ol' me. This place already smelt like beer and weed and it's only been five minutes. I looked to my right and realized Wallas is gone. I roll my eyes and go and look in the kitchen. As I creep into the kitchen I find Wallas already taking 6 shots in a row. Wallas was always that guy at the party who got drunk in a minute. I waltzed over to Wallas and kissed his shoulder. He turns around after his last shot with drowsy eyes and a drunk smirk. I roll my eyes and begin to pull him away before he pulls his arm away.

"Stopa um Lisaaaa," Wallas manages to say. i back away a fiew steps. "I'm leaving," I state before marching out of the dreded drunk house. I look back for a second to see Wallas grabs my hand from behind and whip me around. "I love you Lisa don't go..." Wallas trails off in his drunken state. "I'm suprised you haven't forgoten my name," I spit ripping my hand away from Wallases lousy grip. Wallas grabs my purse and takes the keys and runs to the car. I begin to run after him but it's hard while in 6 inch heels. Wallas stumbles many times before he reaches the car and hops into the drivers seat. He attempts many times to get the keys into ignition before finally he's able to. I hit the car from tripping on the sidewalk and attempt to open the old car. He locked it. I begin to bang on the glass hard many times before Wallas pulls away. Tears were now streaming down my face I'm able to scream "I love you". He pulls away from the house and speeds down the street. And thats's the last I saw Wallas before I got the news he was dead from a crash.

*Flashback over*

I wiped away a tear and got out of my car to go into the hospital. They never did find a body and never held a funeral. Maybe he is alive. I just don't think I would like to see him. I walk into the hospital and go straight to the hallways, I'll find them on my own. I begin to walk down the hallway until I hear a familiar voice. I whip around to see no one there. My heart begins to pound so I walk a little faster. I finally find the room number with "Harley" under it so I proceed to enter. Once I enter I find Skylar and Jessica sitting with Harley. I forgot I texted Jessica. I gretted Sky and Jess with a hug. Jessica complimented me on my outfit and I looked down to find the dress Wallas gave me with a jean jacket thrown over it to make it more casual. I begin to get teary again so I thank her for the compliment and sit down to socialize with Harley and the girls.

"Can you turn on the TV Sky?" Harley asks. Skylar nods and grabs the ramote. "I do want to socialize with you guys I just want a little noise in the backround," Harley explains. Me and Jess nod and as soon as the screen begins to glow, Jason and Reins names are mentioned. We sit on the edges of our seats and listen.

"These two teens were having a fun day until Mrs.Rein and Mr.Jason jumped off a cliff to go swimming in the lake. Unfortunatly Mr.Jason hit a rock...at the bottom of the jump they were unaware about. We have Mrs.Rein outside the hospital now," The man explains. My heart rate speeds up and is poping out of my chest. The camera turns to a broken down Reins. Mascara running down her face, wet screwed up hair, a towel draped around her shoulder and messed up lipstick.

"I....I can't. I need to make sure he's okay," Rein managed to sass to the camera. Rein ran off into the hospital while the lady interviewing her screamed at her to come back. I sat back in my chair as they continued on with the news. My heart broke into two. Skylar was already on her phone texting away while Jess and Harley sat silently with shocked facial expressions.

"Jason's alive guys," Skylar breathed out. We all let out a sigh of releif. I'm so glad, it looked like Rein was getting better. A guy I didn't know ran into the room, "Cassidi was drugged," He screamed out. I turn my head to a 90 degree angle and look at Harley. Harley sits up even more than before and his perplex dial ate. Skylars jaw drops and she shoots up and runs out of the room. I begin the freak out not knowing what was happening or who this guy was or who the hell Cassidi is I'm just confused.

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