He really had to come

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Jessica, Lisa and I all arrive at a giant party house that's almost as big as Jessica's house but not quite. Lisa parked right in front of the giant baige house and we all filed out. As soon as I walked up to the door I herd loud music and screaming. This is not exacly my type of scenery. Lisa put her hand up to knock on the door. I quickly grab it and ask "Who's party is this?" I mean I have to ask. She smiles "Harley's" Then before I can ask if we can turn around she rings the doorbell. Well I'm now officially sucked into the party.
"Hey" Harley screams as he opens the door. As soon as he saw me his eyes checked me out. Really Harley? He moves out of the way letting us in and Jess runs to some group of three perfect girls with blond hair and blue or brown eyes. Literally all of them had blonde hair and they were all wearing pink. Are you kidding me? I roll my eyes as they all scream "Ohmigod I haven't seen you since like yesterday" they all laugh. Then just my luck Lisa skips over to her crush Alexander. Are you for real? Now who do I hang out with? Then Harley's big beautiful hand grabbed me and dragged me on to the dance floor.
We kinda danced awkwardly. Just side by side. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. Mike. "Hey Harley mind if I steal Skylar?" He asks with a giant smile. As soon as Harley said yes and a slow song came on. It was Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Mike wraped his hands around my waist and I must have blushed cause his smile grew really big. I then wrapped my arms around his neck so it wasn't awkward. He whispered in my ear "Are you and Harley like a thing? Cause he's watching you like a hawk." I turn around to see Harley starring right at me. Oh really? He's freaking mad at me!
I then decided, maybe I'll play with his emotions a bit to see if he'll do something about it. So I pull my body closer to Mike's and Mike looks confused when I look up. He's hella tall and I just realized. I turn my head not completely around but just enough to see Harleys face and boy was he pissed. Okay that's enough. I look and sound so mean ugh I wish I just died for good but no.
I pulled away and started pushing through everyone to get to well...not here. The whole house was one level and it literally had no walls it was a free for all. I get off of the dance floor and look for a door.
I look down towards my right and there was one there! I walked, well I kinda ran, all the way over. I opened the door and walked into the backyard.
I ended up crashing up against a tree with my back. I was so retarded. Making people that you love jealous? Come on Skylar. I just colapsed and started crying. I couldn't stop. Tears getting all over my grey strapless dress. Makeup running down my face. My arms and knees shaking. Maybe everything was just finally crashing down on me.
I felt my phone vibrate. I opened the little purse wipeing my tears away. I checked it and my mom sent me a pic of her and dads convo. They were blaming each other for my desision to commit suicide. Then I threw my phone and started crying harder. Why was it always me? Everyone has issues but mine were complete bullshit.
I looked up to see the door I had come out of open. I saw Harley look around. He squinted in my direction and started walking towards me. "No Harley stay away" I demand him as he walks closer. I struggle to stand up but manage. My legs were still shaky. Makeup still running down my face. He just kept walking. "No Harley honestly" then before I knew it our lips were locked.

Broken Doesn't Mean FixedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora