First day

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Skylars POV
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You know what the best thing is? When you're boyfriend drives you to you're brand new school. We pulled up to a giant beautiful school I've never seen.

"Fenfer," Harley sighs out. I look at him with wide eyes. He look sad so I pull him into a hug.

"Harley I'm gonna miss not being at school with you," I hug him a little tighter. I fell him smile into my neck and then kiss it lightly. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"You're beautiful okay? Keep those guys here away from you," He winks and then kisses me on the lips. I smile into the kiss and pull away. I nod and open his truck door and hop out. He got a new car I guess. I shut the door and waved at him and started walking towards the front door.

I look back at Harley and he's biting his bottom lip. I'm not sure why, maybe I look good? I mean I was wearing a tight black skirt that made my butt look good with a zipper going up the back along with combat boots and a light pink flowy tank top.

I walked through the huge school door and took at deep breath in. I would say this looks like my old school but I don't remember. I turn to the right and bump into a very tall boy. He has thick black glasses and he's super buff.

"Hey, sorry I'm new here," I smile in his direction.

"Haven't we met? I'm Jason, Reins boyfriend," He sticks out his hand for me to shake. My eyes go wide and remember I have met him.

"Oh yeah, right, sorry," I say grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"So, new." He shoves his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah! I am," I say trying to be nice. I think Jason will be my best friend at this school. "Oh could you show me to locker, um, 215?" I ask looking down at a sheet of paper in my hands.

He nods and begins walking the way he came from. We walk up the stairs to go left this time. We walk for a while before we arrive at the locker, 215.

"Cool thank you," I say looking up into his blue eyes.

"What's your first class?" He asks. That reminds me. I rip open my dark purple backpack and pull out a sheet of paper and my lock. I open the locker with the existing lock and it and put my lock on it.

"Oh we have chemistry together," Jason says still looking at te sheet of paper.

"No, no Jason. You're dating Rein," I put my hand on my forehead.

"No no Skylar I meant Chemistry, the class," he chuckles. I take my hand off of my forehead and giggle. I look into my locker and there are already some books in it. I shove my backpack in and look back at Jason and grab my schedule. I place it into one of my shelves and grab the books I need.

"So I'll see you in second period," Jason waves while walking away. I wave back and close my locker. I then remember I have no idea where I'm going. I see a boy walk around the corner and start to open the locker beside mine.

"Um hi," I say awkwardly. He looks into my eyes with his jade green eyes.

"Hey," he says and then continues to open his lock. I look around for a sec and then try and talk to him again.

"Could you tell me where French is?" I ask. He looks up from locker and leans against it. He nods and but his lip also pushing his brown hair back up. He checked me out before grabbing his books.

"Looks like we're in French together cutie," he says wrapping his arm around me.

"I have a boyfriend," I say awkwardly.

"And so do I, let's get to French," he says pulling me down the hallway. I would have never guessed he was gay! I mean u don't have anything against gays so it's fine.

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