Not Today

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I woke up.

Wait what?

I supposed to be dead. I look to my left and there she is. Skylar. Dead as a rock.

I look up to see there were already ambulences here. Everything was in slow motion. They grabbed a stretcher and ran as fast as I walked.

It was weird to see everything in slow motion. Them picking up my body. Putting it on the stretcher. Then starting to carry me back to the ambulence. Did I honestly look like this when I slept? Oh god.

I looked up from by body. I saw Lisa running towards me in tears. I just stared. Did she honestly care that much? Whoa.

One of the doctors had to restrain her from touching me as I was in citical condition. I looked at one of the doctors and said "Please just let her die! She deserves it!" But of course he can't hear me.

I realize this looks like a movie I saw. Wait- Haha very funny god. I just walked towards Lisa and hugged her. She must have felt something cause she calmed down.

I looked up to see Nick had pulled up. Really Nick? Wait, What was he even doing here? He wasn't finished college. He ran up to Lisa and hugged her.

She cried into his shoulder. I felt bad. I didn't know it would have such an impact on anyone. I saw Nick holding back some tears so I ran up from behind him and whispered in his ear while hugging him "It's okay Nick. Let it out. You don't have to act like a man for me"

And as if he could hear me he started crying too. But he didn't for very long. I bet you he figured he had to stay strong for Lisa. Witch may I add he didn't.

They put me in the ambulence. I didn't even realize everything was going normal pace by now. No more slow motion running.

Lisa and Nick hopped in as well. I followed. They closed the doors and started driving away. Nick grabbed my hand and pulled out his phone with his other.

I looked over my shoulder to see him looking at the text I sent. He smiled. "You know I came here to visit her on her birthday cause she told me that's all she wanted from me cause she wanted me to spend my money on college . And I came here to spend more than a day and now..."

He trails off. Lisa just looks down at the floor. I lean over Nick and whisper into Lisa's ear "You know. I always thought you were weak, I was wrong." I think she herd me cause she started to smile.

She looked at Nick. "Have you herd Skylar whisper something to you or like hear a comment in your head that she would totally say. Nick chuckles. "Yeah. She's the one that told me it's okay to cry"

I can't help but smile. They put oxygene on my. I feel my heart start to beat. No! I can't be alive. I looked over to Nick and Lisa again who were both shoked at the same thing I was.

I might be alive.

*Author's Note*

Sup guys! I have taken the Wattpad 30 day challenge to write a book with over 50,000 words in it so that's why I'm writing it. Know what's funny? Chloe Moretz plays in If I Stay and she technically is doing the same thing here because she's Skylar. I didnt reliza that until now. LOL! Anyways. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be writing on this one a lot. Bye beautifuls <3

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