Brother and friend

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Rein's POV

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Skylar called me only an hour ago and I've been sitting with her ever since. She's been crying and freaking out because she thought she killed some guy named Trever who I still don't know. She told me it was as defense and to save some pour girl named Cassidi who I also do not know. i pulled her head closer to me and started crying some more. Her head hit my shoulder like a block of cement with tears.

I looked up to see a girl I've never seen before.

'Hi I'm Cassidi, I'm the girl your friend saved," She said waving awkwardly. I tilted my head and nodded. I felt Skylar stop to cry so when I lifted her head up, she was sleeping. I laid her down on the couch and let her sleep. I stood up and put her feet up to where my butt used to be and smiled, she was adorable. I looked back up at this Cassidi chick and walked up so we were 5 inches agart.

"Okay, Cassidi, hi. My name is Rein. I'm best friends with Skylar. I need you to stay the hell away from her, okay? She's gone through so much and you don't know the half of it. Thanks," I say sternly. Cassidi's eyes go big and then she slowly begins to back away. I crossed my arms and smirked.

"Am I still allowed to stay here since my boyf- uh I mean EX-boyfriend has taken my house?" She asks politely.

"Okay," I say with a plastic smile. I walk past her almost bumping her shoulder but I decide not to. I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and take a huge bite.

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Cassidi's POV

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I herd a knock on the door but decided not to anser it because, well, this isn't my house. Also because I'm now afraid of Rein and don't want to piss her off anymore. Rein walked past the living room giving me a death glare so I awkwardly looked away. I really hope my brother isn't at the door because he is going to be pissed at me and say 'I told you so' wich I hate so much.

"Um, Hi?" Rein questions. I look around the wall to see...oh shi-

"Cassidi! What the hell, you told me where you were and now pretending like Trever didn't do anything to you?" My twin brother, Nate, screamed at me pushing Rein out of the way. He grabbed my shoulders and brought me into a huge hug.

"Nate, it's fine, Skylar punched him out so I could get away," I roll my eyes in the hug. Nate pulled away and looked at me with concerned eyes. "Really, I'm fine, whoa who's that?" I ask pulling away from the hug after seeing some boy I don't know.

"Oh yeah Cassidi I was hanging with this guys, Jack, when you texted me where you were so he came along," Nate said patting Jack on the shoulder. I was so suprised but now that I look at him...he's really attractive. He has dark hair and hazel eyes with a beautiful big smile. I smile awkwardly and then see Rein, who looks super pissed, walk in and look at Nate with dart eyes.

"So I guess your Cassidi's brother and here to pick her up. It was great having you Cassidi," She says pushing me towards the door making me trip and fall into Jack. I look up at him and smile. I hear a groan and I turn to see Skylar wake up and see everyone.

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Skylar's POV

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I start freaking out as soon as I see two strangers I don't know. I assume their police under cover or something and I start freaking out. Rein rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay. It's only Cassidi's brother and his friend don't worry, they aren't here to arrest you," she rubs my back and whispers. I calm down and stand up making Rein come up with me. I walk up to these guys and introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Skylar," I say putting out my hand. The guy who looks like Cassidi puts out his hand and shakes mine.

"I'm Nate, Cassidi's brother. Thank you so much for saving her," he says pulling me into a hug. I was quite shorter than his and we fit together like a puzzle. Which scared me even more. I quickly pull away remembering Harley and smile.

"No problme, ugh Nate," I say punching him in the arm awkwardly and then regretting it as soon as I did. Then the door burst open and Jason walked into my house. "Can someone lock the door?!" I say throwing my hands up into the air. Rein pushed past Nate and the other dude and Cassidi and jumped into Jason's arms. Aw, so cute.

I met Jack and we shook hands awkwardly while Cassidi was drulling over him like a dog. Jason took Rein away for a date and Rein asked if she should stay.

"No Rein honestly go on the date, you deserve it after watching me for like two hours," I said holding the door watching Rein get pulled to Jason's car. She smiled and waved and told me to get better so I smiled in return and shut the door.

As soon as I turned around Cassidi, Nate and Jack were all sitting on the couch I was just asleeep on. I clap my hands togetrher and they all look up at me like lost puppies.

"So, when are you guys going?" I ask. They all look at each other hoping someone would say somtheing. "Oh I mean, wow that sounded harsh," I said under my breath. "Ugh i mean... When do you guys WANT to leave?" I smiled.

"Well Skylar, our house is not a good place to be in so I was going to stay at Jacks place with my brother," Cassidi says slouching her back.

"Oh well you guys can stay over here, my moms out until tomorrow so you're welcome to stay," I say looking at all of them. Nate's eyes light up for some reason and Cassidi claps her hands while Jack just smiles. "But I do have to go to school tomorrow so I'll be gone early." I giggle.

"Well we all have school to so don't worry. And hey could I maybe borrow some clothes?" Cassidi asks. I nod and smile and show Cassidi to my room and told her we will share.

I ten walk back downstairs to see Jack and Nate whispering to each other about something and I ended up hearing 'you totally have a crush on her'. I giggle and stomp down the stairs to warn the boys about my presence. They look up at me and put smiles on their faces. I show them to the downstairs guest bedroom and tell them I'll try and find some clothes for them. Jack jumps on the bed and smiles. Nate pulls me out into the hallway and shuts the door behind him.

"Don't make out Nate I need my sleepover buddy," Jack yells with a laugh. Nate rolls his eyes and looks at me with beautiful brown eyes.

"So Skylar, I wanted to say thank you for letting me and my sister stay here. It means a lot." Nate thanked me with a smile. He then blushed and looked up at the celling while shoving his hands in his pockets. When he looked back down at me he smiled again and went back into the room.

I shook my head and wondered what he was about to do but I ran upstairs and into my room. My phone was buzzing on my night stand and Cassidi was just starting at it. I walked over and picked it up.
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Cassidis POV
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Skylar picked up her phone but then have it to me. I got on and herd Reins voice.

"Hey Cassidi?" Rein asks.

"Ugh yeah," I say a little hesitant.

"Oh so you are still there okay. So I need to tell you, you don't know what it feels like to de depressed and guess what? Skylar used to be depressed and then she woke up with amnesia and now she's super happy so if you could not rub off you're helplessness on her that would be great, bye!" She says hanging up. I just sat there with the phone pressed against my ear. I think she really hates me...

Broken Doesn't Mean FixedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora