💎16-The Kidnaps

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Ida was keen on knowing more about the DTs and their mother. And, she was skipping her studies because of her frequent visits to BcHaven. So, she didn't go there for almost a week and was preparing for her term examinations. That Sunday, Ida woke up to an undesirable news from Clada.

"Ida! Aura is missing," the message in Ida's Gemphone read.

Ida rose up from her bed with a thud. She wasn't aware of what was happening at BcHaven for the past week. She got changed and went to meet Pensy.

"Hey, Ida. I was waiting for you. Hope Clada told you the news. We have to go there," Pensy said as they rushed to the dorm. 

"We were here last night. She went to meet Mr. Braon to talk about the poll," Clada said.

"Dad called me. So I went home. But, she didn't come home," she said. "We searched for her everywhere," she said looking at Dannon.

"We even asked Mr. Braon about it. But, he had no clue," Clada walking around.

The girls and Dannon reached the Dorm. The monitor was popping with a video. Pensy opened it. Aura's face flashed. Fric and Felinda were standing next to her. She was tied up, drooping. A message read, "Your friend, Aura-is no more," which freezed the girls and Dannon in shock. With teary eyes, Clada stood. They were clueless. Liza went near the monitor screen and was looking at it, the video.

The girls can't even go into the Dark Town as it was very much protected by invisible walls. They tried, but couldn't. The DTs sent them a picture of Aura laying still on the ground. They could only rely that she was dead.

"You won't be getting her. She'll be laying at our place until our job is done," the following message said.

There was a dreadful silence at the dorm that day. Dannon could only console the girls. Ida went home. She met Sarah and told her everything. Ida kept on crying.

"Keeping this doll here makes you sob everyday, Fric," Ida could see Felinda coming over to the bat doll and grabbing it.

"Give it to me," Fric went to her. She took it away and threw it off from the top of the Dark tower, where they reside.

Aura's mom and dad was asking about how she was. Clada was just saying that she was doing great, hiding the truth. A couple of days passed in silence.

The arrangements for the school trip were in swing and all the preparations had been done.A lot of students at PCA have registered for it. Ida was incharge for her class students to enroll and pay the fee for the trip. She was tired collecting fee from everyone as it was a very hard job to get money from them.

"What's up, sunshine?" Ida heard the familiar voice behind her.

"Hey Santy. How're you doing? It's been so long since we talked," Ida smiled at him.

"Doing good. Looks like-you don't. You've got puffy eyes. Insomnia?" he asked her getting the pile of books from her.

"Um- it's been a tough week," she said in a dull tone.

"How's everything? With Dannon?"

"It's getting no better. I guess it's over for us."

"No. Don't say that. Communicate. Any misunderstanding will be sorted out, Ida."

"I'm trying to. It'll be okay someday. Atleast a bit better, maybe," Ida sighed. "And I'm working on a project and I need some technical help."

"I'm in."

"Thanks San. Hope this week goes well."

"Oh- it will. Are you free? This Saturday?"

"I guess yes," Ida sighed. "After a hectic week, I need some break."

"Can we hang out?" he asked knowing that she couldn't give a no for it.

"Uh- Hm. Okay. Schedule me in," she said with her signature smile.

"That's great.

That Wednesday, when she was back home from school, she looked for Juliah and she wasn't there. Ida was sitting before the television watching her favourite series. The visuals reminded her of Aura, as she came to save the girls from the DTs. It was almost nine and her mom wasn't home yet. She called her but her phone wasn't reachable. As she went to her room,rang her phone.

"Hello, Ida," the person on the phone spoke in a ruggy tone.

The caller's name was displayed as Juliah and Ida was confused about it.Juliah just came home and was eating her dinner.

"Who are you?" Ida asked doubtedly.

"Who do you think can have your sister's mobile with her concern?" the voice on the other side spoke.

"Fric-Is it you?" Ida could ask just this to make sure there wasn't anything undesirable.

"Gotcha," Fric laughed evilly.

"What do you want? Why do you have Juliah's phone?" Ida asked out of fear that latched onto her.

"I wanted to call your mom. I guess that she's isn't home yet," he smirked.

"What? Mom? What did you do to her? Where is she?" Ida wanted to make sure that her mom was safe.

"Sshh. Calm down, Ida. Mrs. Bristor is safe-very safe here," Fric assured her.

"No-she can't be in BcHaven," Ida was desperate.

"Oh-she isn't," Fric's voice was calmer than before.

"Please-please don't do nothing to her," Ida was sobbing then.

"Ooh- Juliah told me that you never use the word please. But now, you are begging me. That's cool," Fric's words made Ida weep.

"Your mom will be safe. Only if you say that you'll never set foot in BcHaven ever again," Fric's demand shocked Ida.

"What? But, BcHaven is-," Ida was flooded with tears.

"Whatever it may be. But, give me your word and your mom will be home by morning," Fric was keen on his goal.

"Or else-," Fric paused.

"Okay-okay. Please, leave my mom," Ida accepted his demand.

"Oh- Ms.Idaliah Bristor. Thank you. If you fail to keep your word, your mom won't come home again," Fric threatened.

"Okay- Please, don't say that," Ida was sitting on the floor, weeping.

"I want to talk to my mom," Ida requested.

"Hm-That's okay as you have agreed to my terms," Fric handed Juliah's phone to Mrs. Bristor.

"Mom, are you- are you okay?" Ida was fumbling.

"Yeah, Ida. I'm good," she mumbled as Fric grabbed the phone from her.

"Okay-now have a good sleep. Oh- I know that you can't," Fric was vile, laughing and hung up the call.

"Why did I do this? There's no good I've done. First Aura and now-mom," Ida was sobbing, thinking that it's all her fault.

She accepted the demand only for her mom. She just wanted her to be with her. Ida wasn't thinking of anything else. Memories of the moments with her mom made her blub over. She was hoping of good and didn't want anything unpleasant to happen.

She went downstairs, weeping. She saw Juliah sitting in the corner of the living room.

"Do you have any idea of what have you done?" Ida fumed at Juliah.

"Answer me, Juliah," Ida couldn't control her anger as Juliah wasn't responding.

"Sorry, Ida. I didn't know what I was doing then. I didn't do it purposely," Juliah said. Her voice was very low, but sharp.

"Not purposely? Huh?" Ida taunted. " You had paved way for him- that brute to take our mom," Ida was into tears.

"I know, Ida. But, I couldn't do anything. I want him, I want Fric. So, I'm obeying every command of his," Juliah was sobbing with her arms on her knee.

Both of them were weeping. Ida went to wash her face. Juliah was fallen asleep crying. Ida made her sleep on the couch and went to her room.

Ida woke up, hearing a knock on the door.

GEMICIDE: Amid the Blues of BcHavenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang