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Ida went to school early along with Juliah the next day. That was her first day at dance class. Obviously, Juliah wasn't happy with her sister joining the crew.

Ms. Q was saying, "Today we'll be doing some basics," Ida came in, "Ahm. And here we have our new member, Ms. Idaliah Bristor," she welcomed Ida.

"Um- Hello, everyone," Ida smiled.

Juliah's gang was there too. They were asking Juliah about Ida joining them.

"Hey, your sister? You said she is a useless geek. Now dance?" Erica, one of the friends of Juliah asked her.

"How could you cope up with her?" another friend mocked.

"She'll be here for a week, maybe. Then she'll run away seeing our moves and whoosh," Juliah chuckled.

Ida very well learned the steps, just basics. After the dance class, she went to her classroom and was waiting outside the class for Sarah to tell about the class.

"Hey, Sarrr-," Ida was stuck. It was Dannon who was coming with Sarah. Ida froze her eyes on him, made a weird smile.

"Hi, Dan," Ida blushed.

"Hey, Liah. How was your dance class? Sarah told me about it," he asked.

"Pretty good," Ida said.

Dannon walked to his class. Ida and Sarah were talking about the carnival. The girls were very excited about that. The name itself fancies them. And those graphics printed was amazing.

"Let's go there on our bicycles," Ida told Sarah.

"Hm Hm," Sarah agreed.

During break at the restroom, Juliah was involved in an insane cat war with Riana and her gang in the restroom. They are the leads of two of the donnish gangs at school. Juliah's maybe junior but never lesser than that of Riana's. The arguments went long, and it exceeded limits resulted in harming each other. Juliah was helpless.

The argument is for something that was far less than a silly one. Riana doubts that one of the girls, who was a friend of Juliah, was hitting on her boyfriend, Warren Deck, which was not true, because that girl was dating another guy from their class. Juliah was supporting her friend.

Riana said to Juliah, "You don't interfere in this. You don't even know how to stick to the same guy for a month, you-," before she finishes off, Juliah shouted," Shut up, Riana. I'll kill you."

"How dare you talk to me like that, you dolt?" Riana slapped Juliah.

"You moron," Juliah was trying to slap her back but Riana caught hold of her hand.

Ida was coming towards the restroom. On hearing Juliah scream, she ran inside. As soon as she saw Riana harming her sister, went and pushed Riana away from her. Ida clutched Riana's wrist and was pressing hard. Riana was screaming out of pain. Ida heard out the problem from Erica."You fatuous blokes," Ida barked at them, "Quarrelling over these pointless issues."

With widened eyes, "You dare not touch my sister," Ida alarmed Riana.

"Riana, come let's go," Sania said as Riana and the others went away.

"I didn't need your help. But, thanks," Juliah surprisingly thanked Ida.

While going home, Ida saw Juliah on the stairs moving down.

"Hey, Jule. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm perfectly normal, Ida. Don't worry," Juliah said.

"Oh- you're back to being dross,"

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