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"Why not, mam? Let me know what I could do for you, besides you are one one of the sweetest people at school," Ida smiled.

"Oh! So sweet of you, sugar pie. The matter is, you know Riana? Riana Rampel?" she asked.

"Yeah, I do. She is my classmate," Ida replied.

"Uh! She created a scene this morning during the rehearsals. She behaved in a foul manner," Ms. Melbin said sighing.

"Ugh- She always does. What was that?  What did she do, Ms. Melbin?" Ida asked.

"I'm okay with Ms.Q," she said, taking a dance robe from the floor. "She wasn't even good at dance. I made her to the team only because of her mother," Ms. Q told Ida. "Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to portray her bad," she said.

Riana's mother was very bossy, popular and adament. She wanted her daughter to be in one of the best dance crews, so that she could vaunt about it to the others.

"I asked her to focus her moves," Ms.Q said.

"Obviously, She must've said something insulting," Ida responded with a judgmental nod, as she knew what Riana usually does.

"She did. She insulted me in front of everyone and blamed me that I wasn't good enough to teach her dance. She yelled and went off," she said.

"That's not fair, Ms.Q. You must've reported her to the HM," Ida insisted.

"But, I thought that it would be silly to report a student as a teacher," she said.

"Uh! Maybe," Ida nodded.

"But in the case of Riana-Do you want me to report her to the HM?" Ida's helping heart asked.

"Oh-No, Ida. I'm not likely to have her in my class. Um-I-I just wanna ask you if you could replace Riana?" Ms.Q asked.

"What? Me?" Ida was in shock after hearing out Ms.Q.

"Yeah. You would be perfect for that. Your friend, Sarah showed me a video of you dancing. It was awesome. Your moves were fabulous," Ms.Q said.

"Video of me? Is that from the new year celebration?" she asked.

"Yeah, the same," Ms.Q smiled.

"That was at my home, when no one was watching me except her," Ida told her.

"That's okay. You could think of it," Ms.Q tried to make her take the offer.

"But, I haven't danced on stage since my 8th grade. How can I? Now?" she asked.

"You can, Ida. I'll suck out the dancer in you. Don't worry. I've heard about you from the other teachers and I thought that I can trust you," Ms.Q said.

"Ah! I've to think about it Ms.Q," Ida told her.

"Okay. Let me know before tomorrow evening," Ms.Q said.

"Okay, Ms.Q," Ida said and left the dance hall.

"We are one of the top 10 competitors in the 'Dancers' Dash'. We need a complete crew, Ida."

"I'll let you know, Ms. Q," Ida said with a little smile which hid the thought of giving a no.

Ida was having oatmeal for lunch. When Ida was having the second spoon of her oatmeal, she heard, "Oh! Be careful Sania," Riana shouted with a chuckle looking at Sania who was balancing an egg on a ruler.

"I lost control," Sania came shaking towards Ida and dropped an egg on Ida's desk. It broke and spilled on her peach coloured top.

"Have you lost it, Sania?" Ida shouted in anger.

GEMICIDE: Amid the Blues of BcHavenWhere stories live. Discover now