💎11- The Amythesial Gem

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That evening, as per their schedule, Ida went to the Gem Dorm. She was not ready to swallow any of the warnings from Fobia. She was confident-maybe overconfident too.

"Hey," Dannon and Ida shared an instantaneous smooch.

"Mm," Ida smiled and kissed him on the chin.

"Nice locket, Ida. Liza told me that she presented it to you," said Pensy descending down the stairs.

"Yes, she did," said Ida.

"Where is Liza?" Ida asked, looking for her around the living room.

"She may have some work. She'll come soon," said Dannon.

Suddenly, "Guys, Look here. We have got no information from the spy camera. It seems like it isn't working. There are no visuals. I think it- it broke," said Clada with a frown on her face.

"How can this happen? It was tested before using it for our mission. It did well too," said Pensy.

"I don't know what had happened, Pensy. Maybe it would have fallen while flying. It may have crashed," said Clada with a clearly disappointed tone.

"It failed. What if they crushed it? What are we going to do now?" Pensy was frustrated.

"Calm down, girls. We will do something, Pensy. We'll think of it," said Ida.

Then, Ida went to the book tin to look at some of the books there. She took a book about electronics and was looking for some details about the spy camera and how can it be reconnected.

"You have too many books here. It's odd. You can search things on web ,nah?" Ida asked Pensy, trailing her fingers on the bones of the books on the huge black shelf.

"Yeah. But, nothing comes closer to books. You know-they say-Books are our best companions. On web, you don't have to strain searching, you'll simply get the answer for your question in a click. But in books-you have to search for your answers and you will also find a lot of other information. Books are always useful," Pensy told her.

"You have the same concepts. But, explained in a way different from us. But, actually this looks easy," Ida said while she went through the pages of the book.

"Hey, can I take this book? It looks taunting," Ida asked her, taking a matte emerald green book on the shelf's third row from the top.

"Show that to me. Ah-this one, it'll be very haunting. Because, that book has our history and every major problems that we have faced since the first day here. A copy of this book will be available at the headquarters of UFA. There are only two copies of them available," Pensy said, getting the book from Ida's hand.

"Really?" Ida knew that Liza had her personal copy. "Um-can I take it?"

"Yeah. Take it home."

They were talking in the monitor tin, "Have you got any information about the mother of DTs?" asked Pensy.

"According to what I heard from the people, they say that they saw her walking along the streets and also that she's been seen in bakeries," Clada said.

"Mrs. Ledcy told me that she visited her," Dannon said. "She was just talking to her about good old days. She told her that she came back to BcHaven to live in peace."

"Did you believe her? Because I definitely don't," Ida said.

"No one does either. So, Mrs. Ledcy told me to look into it."

"She wants to take over the city and do all the vile things. Huh," Clada sighed.

"She is very dangerous. She- has the power to erase the memories of people. And, she can hypnotize too. That is what we heard about her. She taught that to the DTs too," Dannon dropped some details.

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