💎13-The Misconceptions

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That sunny afternoon, at school, as Sarah put in the sandwich into her mouth and slurred the lemonade, Ida sat there sunk into her thoughts.

"Got it!" Sarah beamed.


"WW- means Well Wishes," she said.

"How did you even come up with this?" Ida said in a annoyingly confused tone.

Between Ida's serious thoughts and Sarah's absurd talks, Santner came and sat near them.

"Hey cuties," he smiled.

"Hi, Santner," Sarah said and looked at Ida with playful eyes.

"Looks like you're keenly thinking of something. What is it?"

"What does WW mean when it comes at the end of a letter- as in the signature place?" Ida asked.

"Um- maybe a name or something- like short form of a name," he said.

"Maybe," Sarah said.

"Um-," Santner thought.

"WW- it even means World War," Sarah came up with this which made Ida stare at her.

"Oh- shut up, Sarah," Ida said.

"How can I know these short forms? I haven't received a letter since-." Ida was struggling to figure out the letter and the sender while she remembered something that she forgot for almost a month. The anonymous letter. While her mom was calling her to have dinner, she ran into her room and opened the third rack of her bedside cabinet which she opens rarely.

"Where is it? Oh it's not here," she put her palm on her forehead. She was obviously tensed and was sweating.

"Mom, did you see the letter I received last month? Did you take it?" Ida came to the kitchen.

"Letter? I don't even remember it, Ida. Come eat," she said arranging the dining table for dinner.

"You eat, mom. I'll join you. If I find the letter," Ida said climbing the stairs.

She took out everything from her cabinet and also messed up her cupboard searching for the letter.

"Searching for something?" Juliah was standing, leaning on the grey door.

"Jule, how did you get it?" Ida asked seeing the peach envelope in Juliah's hand.

"Sorry. I had to steal it from your cabinet," she said sighing. "Found it last night while I came to find- what was that- I forgot."

"Why did you take it?"

"Just curious about who might write you a letter and why?"

"Who's it from?" Ida asked as she was partially sure of the answer.

"I guess you know it already."

"Give it to me."

"Oh- I've no problem in reading it aloud for you, sister," Juliah said opening the letter.

Dear Ida,
How are you, Juliah and mom? I am fine here and I don't want you to be worrying about me. I hope you would have or may receive another anonymous letter but not from me. Make sure that you're safe wherever you are and do not trust everyone you meet. Especially I would not recommend you to trust any redheads you see. There are a pack of redheads out there to make a move. And I am sorry for not mentioning about something you are facing or you may face. I really am. I knew it all along but I kept it a secret only to keep you safe and away from it. Whatever comes in your way, wherever you go, tell mamma what you're doing. Do not hide anything from her like I did. I wish to tell you everything I know. But, I'm not sure if it's safe for you to know. When you get stuck at some point, give me a call and I'll guide you.

GEMICIDE: Amid the Blues of BcHavenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें