💎3-The Light At The Bash

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"Something weird is going on," Ida told Sarah

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"Something weird is going on," Ida told Sarah.


"Look, I met a random guy who threatened me, someone pushed me down the stairs, Dannon lied about the paperwork. And, he also warned me to be careful," Ida listed.

"Don't overthink, Ida. These might be just some random incidents," Sarah said.

"And what about the letter from my dad?" Ida gave her a worried look.

"Okay. We'll think of it, Iddy. Don't push yourself into it. If it's meant to come, it will," Sarah comforted her.

Ida went to the canteen where she saw Dannon leaning against the wall. He saw her walking towards him and stood erect. He knew that something was wrong from her expressions.

"Why did you lie to me?" Ida asked him.

"Lie about what?"

"About, your paperwork."

"What is in it to lie? I wanted your dad's help," Dannon was trying to act cool.

"Ms. Inkson said that she never gave you a paperwork."

"She might've forgot. Listen, Ida I want to take you somewhere."

"I'm not coming until you explain yourself."

"I'll explain everything. But, this is not the right time. You're coming to the party, right? I'll tell you everything," Dannon said.

"Okay. See you later. I have math now.," Ida walked to her class.

Ida was having a conversation with Santner Vox, her companion in maths class.

"You're really good at this," Ida appreciated him.

"Yeah. I'm good at other things too," he looked at her lips, smiling.

"Oh! You're a terrible flirt," Ida chuckled.

"You'll get used to it."

"What are you thinking?" Ida asked as he seemed to be zoned out.

"Marina. She died."

"What? Who?" Ida was shocked.

"Web series. Elite," Santner said, raising his brows.

"Oh- crap. She? I was freaked in a second," Ida said in a hush voice while he giggled.

Mrs. Jade was solving problems on the blackboard. While Ida looked at the blackboard, she got sight of Sarah signalling her from the window. She was showing sign like asking her to come out.

"Mrs. Jade, I've to go to the washroom," Ida said, going near her. She wouldn't have asked if it was some other teacher. But, it was Mrs. Jade.

"I saw Sarah standing outside. No use of your lie, Ida. Go," she said in her usual sharp voice.

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