💎7-Vanta Day

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That night turns to be the 1st of November. Ida would be turning seventeen. Adding to her excitement, Ida was surprised with candies and cake by her mom at midnight.

"Happy birthday," Juliah in a pony pyjamas said in a sleepy voice, rubbing her eye.

Ida was dressed in a Scarlet Red half-shoulder top and Denim pants for school. Sarah was the first one to wish her at school. Everyone in her class wished her. Even, Riana did.

"Hap'Burday," Riana lent her hand to wish Ida smirking.

"Uhm-Thanks," Ida said shaking her hand with hers.

But, Ida was expecting Dannon to wish her. They met during their break hour. But, Dannon was talking as usual and didn't wish her.

"Red's your colour," Dannon smiled, raising his brows.

"Thanks," Ida said. "Anything else?"

"Um-," Dannon shrunk his brows, thinking. "Liza wanted to see you. At her café after school."

"Oh. Okay. Then?"

"Then? Oh. It's late. I have physics now. See you later," Dannon said, kissed Ida on her cheek and walked away.

Ida was walking along the corridor. She was lured into the computer lab hearing someone whistling.

"Hey. Who is it?" Ida asked as someone from behind closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes. Don't turn around. Just click on the ENTER button," someone said in a robotic voice.

As Ida tapped ENTER, the screen which was appeared to be something like a digital graph drew itself a heart on it and spelt 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY sunshine'. Ida raised her head up and there was Santner standing with a sunflower.

"Happy Birthday," he said with a cute smile giving her the tiny flower.

'Santner. Thank you. That was really-uh-lovely," Ida was very happy. "Um- but why a sunflower?" Ida giggled.

"Um- sunflower is in love with the sun and it loves to face the sun all day long" Santner said.

"Um- I think I am coming to the point of understanding it," Ida chuckled still clueless about what he meant.

"It's me. I am the flower and you're my sunshine and I love to look at you," Ida was stunned by his words. "And-."


"Um I- I wish you all the happiness in the world."

"Oh- so sweet, San," Ida was clearly carried away by his wishes and words. And not to mention the way he looked at her with his glowing puppy eyes.

Ida received a lot of birthday wishes and was happy about it. A tiny friend of hers gave her a small, purple teddy bear toy. Ida was very much taken away by that cute gesture of that kid.

After school, Ida went to Liza's café and was welcomed by her chocolates and wishes. She erupts like a volcano at times and sweet as honey sometimes.

"You're unpredictable," Ida sighed.

"Where's Sarah?" Liza asked.

"She has singing class."

Liza felt sorry about causing trouble at BcHaven with Mirenda. Later, Mirenda apologised for what she had done. She told Liza that she was with the DTs only for the sake of her mother. And also that the shield placed at the museum was fake and the DTs have the original one. Mirenda told her that they need something else too. She left saying that a bigger devil has arisen, something a hundred times cruel and vile than the DTs.

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