💎6-The First Venture

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"Ready! 5-6-7-8," Ms. Q was making the girls rehearse.

"You're doing it wrong, Erica," Ida pointed at Juliah's friend as she was missing her steps.

"You don't get to teach me," she said harshly.

"Erica! Do it correctly. Or you might lose your spot," Juliah said.

"Thank you, Juliah," Ms. Q said smiling. "Now. Once more."

Ida smiled at Juliah after the session was over and walked to her. Juliah told her that it was not for her but for her friend to cope up with the steps. Despite the fact that Ida and Juliah havd never gotten along well, Ida was happy that they're somehow mending things between them.

"Hey, Idaliah Bristor," Ida was jerked hearing Pensy. She handed her a pair of lenses.

"What's this?"

"You're photophobic," Pensy said. "And- I have powers of light. Like laser eyes," she whispered. "These are permanent ones. Made in BcHaven."

"Oh-that's," Ida was loud and Pensy had to hush her. "That is amazing."

"See. The real Ida is popping out," Pensy said smirking.


"Yeah. The fantasy lover," she said tapping Ida's nose playfully and walked out of the restroom.

Ida was in the canteen having her lunch while Sarah was busy with her chemistry assessment which she kept pending for almost a week.

"Hello. I know you wouldn't mind," Santner came and sat near Ida.

"Look-who's here. The captain of the football team," Ida grinned.

"Uh. Ex-captain. Didn't I tell you? It's gloomy within the team. Reputation, jealousy," he sighed.

"Ugh- jealousy." Ida groaned.

"Where's Sarah?"

"Busy with the chemistry teacher."

Santner's face grew wide in shock.

"For the assessment," Ida giggled. "Look at your face."

"Ugh. Specifications are must, Ida," he nodded. "Where is the usual shine on your face?"

"What shine?"

"The Ida-glow," he chuckled. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Pretty good, San."

"Alright. See you in maths," he smiled and walked away as Ida waved him bye.

Pensy had asked Ida to be at the Gem Dorm by 7 in the evening. Dannon and the girls were there. They were looking at the map of the city while Ida got there.

"Where's Liz?" Ida came in.

"She's busy with the officials of the city, discussing about the upcoming poll," Clada said.

Dannon was saying about the power needed to defend the DTs and the enormous energy theat would drain from them during fights. He was helping the girls expand their powers and to work on their weakness.

"And-what are my special powers?" Ida asked, taking out her outfit on the light blue closet.

"Uh-You have to accept the fact that you don't have any yet," Pensy brassed off.

"Huh-Okay. I'll learn," Ida gave a funny grin at her.

"We'll get someone to teach you like I'd got one," Pensy said.

"Who taught you?" Ida questioned.

"A girl from Clada's city. Clada introduced her to me. She is my teacher technically," Pensy said.

GEMICIDE: Amid the Blues of BcHavenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin