New Year Bonus

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Hali's POV (Swears during this chapter, you have been warned)

Ash, Chase and Adler all decided to explain to me the celebration of New Year's. I remembered a few celebrations from my childhood but I just don't get the idea of staying up until the new year.

"What's the point?" I asked watching their faces fall.

"It's so you can set yourself goals for that year and hope this years better," Ash answered getting a nod from the other males.

"You know setting goals is useless and years we're just put in place so we can track time but really they have no point and we could all easily live our lives without them," I sighed, "as a horse we went by seasons and not days I just don't get the point in a year like its just 365 days which you all decide to count for no reason, time is just false and there really isn't any need to keep track of it,"

"That's true however sometimes there is 366 days in a year because we move around the sun about 1/4 of a day builds up so every four years we have another extra day," Adler added.

"Yeah, the 29th of Feburary," Chase added.

"So let me get this right, at the end of every year you make a huge celebration of basically just another day passing in your life, you use fire works - which scare and kill thousands of animals each year- drink until your all drunk, stay up all night and have a huge party for no reason?"

"Yeah," They all answered amused.

"I don't get people sometimes,"

"But will you stay up with us," They asked.

"Fiiiiine," I sighed, "if it will make you happy,"

"Yeah time to get the booze,"

"We are all underage," I stated and they all turned to me.

"Alcohol doesn't effect shifters, we need like a gallon to get drunk so the drinking age of 21 doesn't really matter,"

"I see, anyway if you need me at all I'm going to the herd to check on them before training,"

I slipped out the room without any augments and shifted in the air before trotting away. Chase had finally come over the idea I needed protecting after I beat his ass -multiple times I may add- during hand to hand combat. I knew he still worried about me but I was safe, I could protect myself and I didn't need to be protected.

I headed towards the herd. I wanted to warn them about the activities for tonight, like the fire works. They had a few new foals and I didn't want them freaking out. They still only trusted me in the pack and other people steered clear, even a few of the humans had been caught in their so called 'territory' and came back with a few injuries. I needed to get them trusting of a few pack members so they could deal with any injuries or issues with pregnancies, but other than that I wanted them as wild as the wind.

I made my way towards the lake knowing they wouldn't be too far from it. I stopped and took a small drink before lifting my nose to the air like a dog and trying to pick up their scent. My ears twitched as the sounds of the forest grew louder. When I found them I slowly trotted towards them, the ground was wet and I didn't want to end up covered in mud.

I skidded on the wet ground and a few of the herd laughed. I snorted annoyed and carefully got up, the two twin foals were playing on the outside of the herd and their mum stayed close by. Storm made his way up to me and handed me a bunch of grass I took with a thankful whinny.

"Shifter Hali," He greeted me walking a few paces away from the herd.

"Lead Storm," I said mimicking his tone.

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now