Chapter 8

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"Wait, so you're telling me that, the Yuzuru Hanyu, was there at the restaurant?" She snapped, as we enter the house, really emphasizing his name.

The realization hit me that I didn't tell her what actually happened earlier and just told my past.

I scratched my head and just laughed. I looked away, not wanting to remember what happened at the restaurant. She got the message and just kept her mouth closed.

We entered the house. We bought an inflatable bed to use for the night, but before hitting the hay, we took a shower, changed our clothes, and then went to bed. My mom was already fast-asleep while I was still deep in my thoughts.

I thought of what happened back at the restaurant. His face, never changed, still that baby face that I fell in love with. His hair, pitch black and fluffy. His eyes, looked like as if they were searching, curious, interested. The eyes, that looks so dangerous yet so intriguing that it's pulling me in. His eyes, looking for an answer.

'An answer for what, Yuzuru? Why were your eyes like that? Shouldn't I look for an answer?'

I felt hot tears coming out of my eyes and quickly wiped them. I grabbed my phone to check the time.

'2:34 am'

I put it down and covered my self in my blanket, hoping that he would disappear like how he did in the past.


I woke up at the sound of my alarm, echoing around the empty house. I yawned and stretched as I adjusted myself from the morning light of Toronto. I turned off the alarm and looked towards my mom, she was on her phone, probably fixing all the things that we need here in Canada. I got up and went to the toilet to do my morning routine.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth, also brushed my hair right after and got out of the toilet. I also changed my pajamas to a casual white shirt and denim jeans.

'You could never go wrong with a white tee and denim jeans.'

As soon as I changed, I went out of the toilet and heard my stomach growl.

'Ah...I'm hungry.'

I went down to see my mother ready. She also brought out the leftovers from yesterday and placed it on top of the empty kitchen counter. I went towards her and stood beside her, as she starts to dig in. I, of course, said my blessings and also started to dig in.

As soon as we finished eating, we put everything in a plastic and tied the plastic so it wouldn't leak out.

"Natsuna, can you please throw this out and then we can go to the store to buy our furniture." She said while handing me the plastic.

I nodded, grabbed the plastic and went outside to throw it out. I'm walking towards the garbage bin until I saw a woman about to throw her trash as well. She noticed me and her eyes widened in surprise. I bowed, noticing that she was older than me. I completely forgot that I was in Canada, and stood straight immediately.

"I'm so sorry!" I spoke in english, of course, with a light Japanese accent.

"It's okay, young lady." She smiled, while speaking in Japanese.

I widened my eyes, realizing that she was from Japan and bowed again, for my disrespectful manner. I smiled bashfully, while scratching my head.

"Are you new here?" She asked while I threw my garbage into the bin, also noticing how she examined me up and down. I looked back at her and nodded.

"Me and my mom just moved in yesterday." I smiled.

She nodded, understanding the information I said.

"Perhaps, are you living in that house?" She asked with curiosity in her eyes, while pointing towards our home.

"Yes, ma'am. That is our house." I smiled shyly, too embarrassed to say that big house was our residence.

Her face, shocked and then returned to her normal smile. The lady wasn't too old, she was about the same age as my mom. You'd probably think that she's in her twenties from afar, thanks to our Japanese genes. She looked oddly familiar too, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Natsuna!" I heard my mom shout, walking out of the house, searching for me.

As soon as she saw me, she walked towards me with relief written on her face.

"What took you so long? Do you know how worried I wa- Oh." She stopped as she noticed the lady in front of me.

They both bowed to each other, exchanging greetings.

"Sorry for making you worried, I was just talking to your lovely daughter." The lady said, apologetically.

"Oh no, It's fine. I just thought something must've happened since we're in a foreign country." My mom explained with a smile.

"My name is Hanyu Yumi" She said while bowing.

'Hanyu. No, it's just a coincidence. There's a lot of people that has a last name as Hanyu...right?'

"My name is Suzuki Ayaka, and my daughter, Suzuki Natsuna." My mom smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" She bowed with a cheery smile, and we also did the same.

She looked up in a hurry as me and my mom looked at her in bewilderment.

"Call me Yumi, no need to be formal and also is it okay if we exchange numbers? It's rare to meet people from the same country here in a foreign land, and also I live right beside you guys." She pointed towards the house next to us, that was big enough for a family of three.  It was beautiful.

"Of course, Yumi-san. Call me Ayaka as well." My mom smiled and gave her number to Hanyu-san.

"And call me Yumi as well, Natsuna." She looked at me with a smile. I bowed shyly.

I also gave her my number and she saved it as 'Na-chan'.

"A cute nickname for a cute girl!" She chuckled, so does my mom. I covered my face out of embarrassment.

"Well, it was nice meeting you ladies, but I have to get going." She said in a hurry while looking at her watch.

We bowed to each other and watched her run to her house. We went back inside and also got ready to go shopping.

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