Chapter 15

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I'm now enrolled in Waseda University and took International Liberal Studies as my course. The semester will start on April so I have nothing to do until then.

Until my mom brought up, part-time jobs.

I got scared at the thought of interacting with people, trying to fit in, and et cetera. I'm already shaking at the thought of introducing myself.

My mom helped me look for jobs, but they're all seeking for permanent workers. I closed my laptop as I laid back on the couch of my room. I grabbed my phone, and started scrolling through my social media. I remembered Nam about going to the ice rink.

'Maybe they need a part-timer.'

I opened Nam's account and accepted his request, fully aware that he'll be a tad bit excited when he sees the notification. I asked where the rink was and if they needed a part-timer. He immediately texted back, in all caps, showing his excitement.

'I can feel his energy even on my phone.'

He sent the location and will ask his coaches if they needed another employee. I waited and put my phone down, staring off to space. My phone made a 'ding' sound indicating that someone has messaged me. I opened the notification and immediately smiled.

Nam: "They're looking for an assistant for one of the skaters, they said they wanted one for a while! IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO BE PART OF THE FAMILY!!!

Natsuna: "Thanks, Nam. Means a lot :) But I still need to go through the interview.


I laughed at his last message and closed my phone.

I went to my closet and picked out a-somewhat-formal outfit. It was a white blouse with a pair of black slacks.

'Such a common outfit...'

I shook my head in disapproval, and changed the outfit. I went with a blue long-sleeve and a pair of flared jeans. I walked downstairs and saw my mom in the living room. She noticed me and diverted her attention from her laptop to my presence.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going to the ice rink, the two guys that I met wants to meet there." I said to her while I was tying my shoes.

"The kid and the European man? Why there?" She asked curiously.

"They're figure skaters."


I'm now at the car, wearing the white blouse and black slacks. I told my mom that I was going there for an interview, and said that I was wearing 'too casual' clothing. She also said that I shouldn't go there alone and that I needed moral support from my mom. I declined her offer but ended up giving in as she was very persistent.

We arrived at the centre, where a lot of people are coming in and out. I got nervous and started to breathe heavily. I looked for my rubber band from my purse and slipped it on my wrist. I started pulling the elastic and releasing the tension as it slaps against my skin. My mom heard this and caressed my hand as she looked for a parking. I calmed down a bit still pulling the elastic, letting it slap on my skin.

'Yeah, I need moral support.'

My mom parked as I texted Nam that I was here. He texted back saying that he'll go out at the entrance to wait for me. I got out of the car, shaking and sweating from fear as my mom helped me walk towards the entrance. I saw Nam, running towards me with a big smile. I felt myself relax and smiled at the kid.

"Natsuna! You're here!" Nam shouted, as people who was walking by stared at us.

I felt embarrassed but brushed it off once Nam suddenly tackled me into a hug. I was surprised and so was my mom. Hugging isn't really a common thing in Japan, especially of opposite genders.

"Just hug him." My mom mouthed, as I wrapped my arms around the short kid.

"Yeah...kind of nervous though." I said as a nervous chuckle left my mouth.

Nam laughed at me and dragged me inside the club. As we were walking, Nam opened a conversation.

"Are you gonna watch us skate?" He asked with innocent eyes.

"I don't know, Nam. I still need to focus on the interview. Also, I don't know if my mom will-" I was cut off, as my mom spoke to me.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked in Japanese.

"He wants me to watch him practice after my interview, but I don't know if you'll allow m-" I was, again, cut off by my mom.

"Yes, yes of course." My mom said, with her Japanese accent.

I looked at her with wide eyes, my mouth open wide too, as Nam jumped excitedly.

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" My mom asked.

I shook my head and just took a deep breath to focus for my interview. We were walking until Nam suddenly took a right turn making me and my mom stumble on our feet.

"At least tell us when we're gonna turn." I scolded.

He smiled bashfully, scratching the back of his head.

We got to a door and Nam halted.

"This is where magic happens." He said with jazz hands.

I scoffed at his words until he opened the door. I was welcomed with a cool air, making me freeze in my white thin blouse.

'This reminds me of that secretary's office...'

It was like a blizzard, everyone was wearing winter clothes in the middle of spring. My mom shivered, turning around towards the door.

"Where are you going, mom?" I asked shivering in my place.

"I'm waiting for you outside, it's too cold." My mom shivered leaving me in the rink.

She gave a good luck sign as she left. I looked at her in disbelief for leaving me for the interview.

"Okay, I talked to the coaches and- Where's your mom?" He asked, confused written in his face.

"She left, it's too cold." I said, still shivering.

He made a face, indicating he understood what I said.

"Anyways, they're gonna meet you but after Javi's training time. You can wait at the café where it's a lot warmer than here." He said pointing at the café that had a window for viewing the skaters.

"When will his training time be finished?" I asked.

"In about 15 minutes." He looked at the clock that was on the porch.

I nodded, looking at the people who were on the rink. I saw Javi focusing on what he was doing and decided that I'll greet him later. I saw two people who were on the porch looking at everyone, examining them. I figured that they were the coaches and looked away from them, feeling nervous again.

"Thank you, Nam. Means a lot." I smiled, genuinely.

"N-no problem, Natsuna." He stuttered, while blushing.

I laughed at the sight and patted his back.

"I'll meet you later. Bye." I said waving at him.

He waved back and went to the, I assume, locker room. I walked towards the door, wanting to leave the blizzard.

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