Chapter 13

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The truck drove away and I closed the door shut. I looked around the house and smiled. The house has enhanced so much, it looked so elegant. The living room had couches soft as clouds, the guest rooms has beds and drawers for visitors, the kitchen filled with food, the rooms upstairs were a storage room and another guest room, and lastly my room. My room was complete. The study room, the shelves, the closet and my bed. I was so lucky to have this and I couldn't be more grateful. I remembered all the memories I have in Japan, I was so angry, so upset and so lonely. My mom was one of the biggest reasons why I was like that, and after only a few days, she changed. A lot. I smiled and looked in front of me, leaving behind the past that I hated and wanting it to be forgotten.

I looked at my phone to check the time.


I looked for my mom and found her in the kitchen with Yumi-san. I bowed to them as they smiled at me. As I passed by them, my stomach growled, signaling that I was hungry. I heard them laugh behind my back as I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Looks like Natsuna's hungry." I heard Yumi-san, teasing me.

I scratched the back of my head, feeling flustered.

"I'm so sorry I can't cook, I don't have any ingredients. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow." My mom said in distress.

"Don't worry, Ayaka-san. We can get food outside. I know a Japanese place here that's open for 24 hours, and it's a family friend of ours." Yumi-san said with a cheery smile.

"Oh! Is that the one that's about 15 minutes from here?" My mom asked.

"Yes, that one! Have you guys went before?" Yumi-san asked in shocked.

"Yes we have, on the first day here in Canada." My mom smiled.

'My mom looks beautiful.'

"Perfect, we can go there, have dinner and call it a day. Now, where's my son?" She asked while she whined.

Me and my mom laughed looking at her face, a scowl plastered on it.

Coincidentally, Yuzuru passed by, walking as his eyes scanned the place.

"Oi! Stop being rude, we're going to eat dinner." His mom yelled, as she pinched his ear, dragging him to the door.

He was screaming in pain as he was being dragged.

"Ready, ladies?" Yumi-san asked with a smile as she was still pinching her son's ear, crying in pain.

We quickly walked towards the door, scared that she'll do the same to us and left the house.

"Yumi-san is quite scary, don't you think?" My mom whispered.

I hummed, still feeling as if Yumi-san was about to pinch me as well. My mom laughed and locked the door of our house and walked out of the gate. We all went towards my mom's rented car, my mom driving as Yumi-san sat next to her. Leaving me and Yuzuru in the back seat, in a awkward atmosphere. My mom coughed and started the engine and drove away from the area.

'This is going to be awkward.'


We arrived at the same restaurant and sat down at the seats that were available. The waiter took our food and sent it to the kitchen. Me and my mom were seated next to each other and Yumi-san was in front of her. Which means that both of us, teenagers, were shuffling awkwardly. I looked out of the window to ease the awkwardness, but it didn't help as his eyes were on me.

'Can't he be even more obvious?'

I internally sighed and prayed that the food will arrive sooner. As we were waiting, the owner of the restaurant noticed our table.

"Hanyu-san!" He shouted with a very deep voice as his big structure walk towards us.

Yuzuru snapped his head towards the man and suddenly stood up, walking towards him. The man hugged Yuzuru tight, welcoming him. Yumi-san laughed at the scene, along with my mom. I just smiled and sat quietly.

"How are you, son? Did you miss my cooking? Or...Did you miss my daughter?" He teased with his very country side accent, as he laughed with a hearty smile.


"I'm fine, Yukihira-san." Yuzuru laughed as he scratched the back of his head, feeling flustered I assume.

I felt a stingy feeling, and I hated it. I looked away and just looked down towards the table. I felt a hand caressed my back that made me look up to find my mom smiling at me.

"You okay?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled, making it as real as I can.

"Ho ho ho, Who do we have here?" The man asked as he was looking at me.

I bowed and continued smiling.

"Is this your girlfriend, Hanyu-kun?" He asked teasing him again.

I blushed at the remark and shook my head rapidly.

"No no no, she's just my neighbor." He said, shaking his head and waving his hands side to side, trying to clear out all of the misunderstandings.

I nodded my head, agreeing to what he just said. The man laughed as he slapped Yuzuru's thin body, making him choke on his saliva and coughed right after. I giggled at the scene along with my mom and Yumi-san.

"I'm gonna go ahead and check the kitchen, see ya around, son. Take care of that 'neighbor' of yours." He laughed, emphasizing the word neighbor.

I blushed, looking away. Yuzuru laughed and walked towards his seat. He sat down, propping his elbow on the table while covering his face with his hand. Our mothers were laughing as I saw his ears glowing red.

'He's blushing?'

The thought gave me butterflies but I brushed it off once the food came. We gave our blessings and started to dig in.

After we ate, our mothers went to the cashier and paid, leaving us alone. The awkwardness builded immediately, and I couldn't help but start fidgeting. I don't want to do this, but I need to tell him somehow. I heard him took a deep breath making me look up.

"Natsuna-" He started but I cut him off.

"Yuzuru, I'm sorry for the things that I couldn't do for you, if I was being too inconsiderate, too much of a nuisance. I don't want to cross your path ever. Meaning I don't want to see you. I don't want to be in any way of connections with you. I'm sorry if that sounded selfish but I can't do this. I can't live like this, I always feel like I'm suffocating whenever I remember this, us." I breathed out, looking down as tears were forming.

It was silent between us after that. All that was heard was the people talking, kids laughing, the kitchen utensils clashing onto one another and the cars honking outside.

I heard him hummed as he shuffled in his seat. I wiped my tears and looked up finding no one in front of me. I suddenly felt two arms wrap my body.

"I'm sorry too, but...I'm also suffocating without you."

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