Chapter 28

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We were sitting inside the taxi as it drove to our neighborhood. Yuzuru was next to me, listening to music.

'Probably his program.'

I shivered as I laid my head on the window. I rubbed my hands together creating heat. I also breathed out towards my hands for extra warmth. As I was doing this process, I felt a hand wrapping my hands. It was his. Yuzuru's hand was big enough to fit both of my hands. He was still listening to his music as his other hand was under his chin, looking out at the window. I blushed and looked away, my hands still in his. His hand was cold but it oddly made me feel warm. I felt at ease for some reason.

'I shouldn't but why? Why do I feel like I need him?'

I shook my head and decided to release my hands from his grasp. He looked at me but I didn't look back. Instead I shifted my body towards the window, making me ignore him fully. I put my hands inside my pockets as I stared out of the window. I still felt his gaze on me as I tried ignoring it, but having a person stare at you doesn't really make you feel comfortable. I shifted awkwardly from my seat as I tried my best to sleep.

"Natsuna." He called out.

I shut my eyes tightly.

"Natsuna." He called out once again, now closer to me.

I clenched my hands into fist as I breathed heavily.

"Natsuna." He now shook me, making me jolt up.

I looked at him.

"We'e in front of your house." He said, pointing at the familiar house.

I laughed awkwardly and bowed towards him, saying my thanks. He nodded and paid the taxi driver. I got out and took my wallet out of my bag to pay him back. As I look up, he was already walking towards his house.

"Yuzuru!" I called out to him, my throat, dry as a desert.

He didn't look back as he was near his house. He also had his earphones in, which explains a lot. I sighed and decided to pay him back another time. I went inside the house and plopped myself on the couch. I felt light-headed, so I closed my eyes while laying down. I wanted to sleep, but that wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. I picked myself up and went inside the kitchen. I opened the cupboards and looked for a soup packet. I grabbed one and turned on the stove with a pot on top of it. I poured the water, letting it boil as I added the soup powder. I cut some vegetables and cracked an egg to make it more appetizing.

I usually took care of myself back in Japan, so these things were normal for me. My mom was either at work or with other 'people', she didn't have time to take care of me. I'm used to it.

I quietly ate at the dining table, minding my business. I finished eating and took the bowl in the sink to wash. As I was washing, the door swung open, revealing my mom. She looked tired and her clothes were disheveled, as she went straight to her room, door shut closed. I stared for a moment, taken aback that my mom ignored me. I shrugged and continued washing the dishes.

I placed the last plate on the rack and dried off my hands. I was about to go upstairs when my mom suddenly walked out of her room, in a trench coat. I got confused.

"Where are you going, mom?" I asked.

She didn't answer and closed the door at me, making an echo. I went towards the window that's near the living room and saw her car moving farther away from the house. I sighed and suddenly started coughing. I teared up a bit but I eventually calmed down. I thought about drinking medicine but we haven't got any. I got a jacket and put on my shoes to get some at the nearby pharmacy.

As soon as I got out of the house, Yuzuru was walking towards me, holding a bag. He looked like he just came from the store. He noticed my presence and stopped.

"Where are you going, Natsuna?" He asked, looking annoyed.

I looked away, sniffing.

"I was about to get some medicine from the pharmacy..." I muttered.

"At your state?" He asked and sighed.

"Heads up, Natsuna." He said as he threw the bag at me, making me surprised but I caught it.

"Drink it." He said, leaving me in bewilderment at his sudden appearance.

I looked at the contents inside the bag, making me blush. It was all sort of medicine, even for period cramps. I shook my head and looked up to thank him but he was once again, gone. I went inside and opened the medicine for coughs. I drank it with water, feeling drowsy. I sighed as it took effect immediately. I took the bag with me and a cup of water to my room. I was shivering so I turned off the air conditioning in my room. I still felt cold so I kept my hoodie on and doubled my blankets. I also took a damp towel to place on my forehead. I snuggled in my bed and fell asleep immediately.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I felt so much better than yesterday but I'm still coughing and sneezing. My head wasn't in pain and I feel like I could go to work today. I stretched and looked for the towel that I placed on my forehead. I grabbed it and let it hang in my toilet to dry. I went downstairs and ate a granola bar with yogurt. As I was munching on my bar, the door bell rung, making me halt.

'Who could it be?'

I walk towards the door and opened it, revealing Yuzuru. He was still in his pajamas and his bed hair was very visible. He looked like he rushed here to say something. I looked at him with confusion.

"Good morning, Yuzuru-san..." I bowed to him.

He bowed back.

"Don't go to work today." He said.

"Why?" I asked back, looking at him weirdly.

"Just don't." He said, already leaving.

"Hey! Tell me, why?" I asked, insisting that he should tell me.

He stopped in his tracks and sighed. I waited for his answer. He turned around facing me, and walked towards where I stood. I walked backwards only to be cornered by the wall and him. He towered over me as he looked at me with those bored eyes. His breath fan over my face making my body feel hot. I looked away. I started getting light-headed, making me feel drowsy. He placed his two fingers under my chin making me look up.

"Stay home and rest, princess..."

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