Chapter 24

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I already passed by the club, meaning that I was close. I peddled even faster making people around me surprised. I mentally apologized and kept the speed. I reached the station and quickly chained my bicycle at the parking rack. I ran, as my shoes were heard making a clacking noises, and reached the underground station. I saw all of them and quickly rushed towards them. Nam waved with a big smile, so does Javi. Yuzuru looked at me with a mysterious expression and Mina didn't even tried to look. I huffed, trying to catch my breath.

"Sorry I was late..." I said, stopping each words to catch my breath.

"No worries, we all just got here. Anyways, ready to go guys?" Javi said pointing towards the entrance to ride the train.

Everyone had their tickets as I stood there clueless.

"You guys can go ahead, I'll just buy a ticket at the machine." They all nodded and went ahead.

I walked towards the machine that had a queue and waited. As I was about to get the ticket, Yuzuru came up to me. I looked at him with confusion and tilted my head.

"Why? Do you need to buy one?" I asked.

"No...I'm just accompanying you." He said scratching the back of his head.

I nodded my head and finished the transaction of the ticket. I got the ticket and signaled him that I have it. We both walked towards the entrance and scanned the ticket. I rushed towards the others as I felt a hand gripped on my wrist, pulling me back. Someone was about to run onto me but luckily a certain person saved me.

"Be careful next time..." He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him with a smile, nodding my head and quickly rushing towards the group.

'Why does he whisper all the time...?'

I went beside Nam and Javi as Yuzuru was pulled by Mina leaving us three behind. Nam quickly pulled his tongue out towards Mina making me and Javi snicker. We followed behind them, making up jokes and conversations.

The train came and we hopped in. It wasn't too crowded but there weren't enough seats for all of us. Mina went and sat on one of the seats making all of us stand up next to her. I didn't mind but I think Nam did. He was sulking and pouting like a baby making all of us laugh. Me and Javi opened a conversation until we arrived at the next station. There was a lot of people on this station, all of them hopping in the train making the group separated and squished. I was at the other door where it wasn't used and was facing away from the people. I started getting scared that I couldn't see the people that I'm with, making me go paranoid.

'What if they left me? I don't know where I am. Shit.'

I started sweating, I reached down for my rubber band and started to pull it and snap it back onto my skin, creating a stinging pain. I kept doing it to calm myself down.

"Shit. Where are they?" I muttered.

I kept repeating the stinging pain on my wrist until someone stopped me. I looked to see who it was and saw Yuzuru.

'Why him?'

I started breathing heavily and looked away from him. I felt like I was going to throw up and cry my eyes out. My stomach was twisting and turning and the train movement wasn't helping.

"Natsuna." He called out.

I didn't dare look at him in my state.

"Natsuna." He called out again.

I still didn't look up.

I felt arms wrapped around me as my head was on his chest. I heard his heartbeat, going fast like a monkey going crazy while playing the drums. I smelt his shirt making me feel dizzy even more, but I relaxed in his arms.

"It'll be okay..." He said with his soothing voice, calming my nerves.

My breaths became steady but we didn't dare separate from each other. There was still people around us so we won't get separated anytime soon. He caressed my head making me submissive to his touch. We stayed in each other's arms.

"Do you know which station we're going down on?" I asked, still having my head on his chest.

He hummed, indicating that he knew, while caressing my head. I now realized that we were in that position and it made me uncomfortable. I release my arms that was around him and pushed him away slightly. I looked away from him, blushing at the fact that we had an intimate moment.

"T-thanks, Hanyu-" I was cut off with a peck on my cheek.

"I did say that you shouldn't call me that, right?" He said bending down as he leveled his eyes with mine.

I pushed him away, not wanting to see his eyes.

"I-I got it." I stuttered.

He giggled.

"You're so...cute." He smiled.

I blushed so much, I think all the blood in my body went to my head. I felt dizzy again and thankfully was caught by Yuzuru.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sensing that there was a worried tone.

I brushed off that thought.

"Yeah...I'm good." I said, trying to make him less worried but I doubt I did.

He looked skeptical but shrugged and just kept me company. After a while, it got awkward and we didn't say a word.

"How are you?" He asked, probably asking about the break up.

"I'm good...How about you?" I asked back.

"I'm okay..." He said.

It was, again, awkward after that.

I wanted to ask him something but I didn't know how to.

'Or rather I didn't want to hear the answer to.'

"Mina...She's just my colleague at the rink. I met her at the rink when I switched coaches. Her father was also the one who ran the restaurant that we went to last time." He explained.

I nodded my head, understanding who she is.

"I know she likes me but I'm not sure whether I like her or not..." He muttered.

'Why are you telling me this...?'

I nodded again, trying not to let the tears come out. I gulped and calmed down.

"Do you see her in your future?" I asked.

"No...not really." He said, feeling bad.

I hummed at his response. I mustered up the courage to ask him one last thing.

"Did you see me in your future?" I asked not looking at him.

He looked at me but didn't dare to say anything.

'Guess that concludes your answer...'

"Yuzuru, I think whatever we just did now should be erased. Let's be strangers from now on." I said.

"Natsuna..." He said under his breath.

The crowd started to disperse making us free from the tension.

"Let's go?" I smiled at him, trying to hide my feelings.

He hummed as I looked for the others. I heard my name being called and saw Nam.

"Natsuna! We're here!" He screamed.

I chuckled and went over to them. Mina stood up and walked passed me, hitting my shoulder in the process. I stumbled a bit but I was okay. She ran towards Yuzuru, hugging him. While Yuzuru caressed her head, calming her down.

The same position we were in a while ago.

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