Chpater 12

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The furnitures for our home was finally arriving, so here we are moving the suitcases to the side so the people will have space to place the things. As I was moving, the doorbell ringed and I went towards the door. I looked at the small screen, that could make me see who was at the door. When I saw that it was from the furniture store, I opened it and greeted him. He was holding a contract, so I called my mom to sign.

As my mom was signing, I went out and saw people carrying furnitures. I wanted to help but they told me that it was okay. So I stood back, watching them carry it to the house.

After an hour of carrying, I felt bad. So I went to the nearby store, which was couple minutes away since it was near the park, to get some water. I bought water bottles and some snacks, and then went back to the house. I placed the plastic bag on top of the kitchen counter and told the workers that there was water for them.

They were grateful and continued to work, while some of them took a break. As my mom instructing them where to place the things, I went up to my room to check what was happening. I looked at my room with awe as I entered it.

My queen bed was up, supported by four pillars that was planted on the floor. Below it was a couch, a place where I can chill. Right in front of the couch was my closet which was massive, since my mom didn't want to throw out any of my clothes. I look to the left to see that they were now building my study room. It was a small space, enough for some concentration to build in. I looked to the right where the window is, and saw that they were also building the window seat, great for me to relax from all that concentration. I was happy that everything was turning out well, until my mom called me downstairs.

I went downstairs to find Yumi-san and her son, Yuzuru. My smile dropped instantly, feeling suffocated all of a sudden. I saw Yuzuru, smiling at me as if nothing happened between us. Yumi-san noticed that I wasn't feeling well and came up to me.

"You okay, sweetie?" I heard her voice but it was very distant.

My mom caressed my back, soothing the suffocation happening in me. I closed my eyes and started grabbing something that should wrapped around my wrist, but unfortunately the very thin elastic wasn't in my care. I started pinching myself still with my eyes closed, taking deep breaths. I started to calm down and opened my eyes again. I saw everyone staring at me and immediately felt embarrassed that they saw me like that.

'They probably think I'm an over dramatic bitch.'

I bowed to them, saying sorry, as they continued their work. My mom made me drank water as it calmed me even more. I looked towards Yuzuru and caught him staring at me. He looked away, scratching his head and helped the workers to get his attention off of me. I looked down and noticed that my hands were shaking.

I took another deep breath.

'I should stop thinking about him. My health is more important than him, yet...why? Why am I holding on like this?'

I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat, startling my mom and Yumi-san.

"I'm fine, mom. I was probably just dehydrated." I said scratching my forearm.

I went ahead and started helping the workers too. Yuzuru looking at me worriedly.

'Stop that.'

I smiled at the workers as they smiled back, gratefully receiving help from another. I took a box filled with tools and carried it upstairs. I walked, leaving him behind, carrying this box with me.

'I'm not going to lose.'


The sun was setting and the house was coming together. Everyone worked hard for it and I don't think anyone is disappointed with the outcome. As final touches were being done, I went to the kitchen counter to get a bottle of water. I saw the last bottle and grabbed it. As I was about to grab it, another hand popped in, grabbing it the same time as me. I flinched back and looked up to see who it was.


I bowed and told him to take it, while he did the same. We went on and on until he grabbed it and open it. I felt a bit offended thinking that he didn't give it to me but I just smiled and let him have the water. As I walked away, I was pulled by the shoulder and the water bottle was right on my face.

"Take it." Yuzuru said as he looked away with a flushed face.

'Oh, acting like the nice guy? Okay, that's fine.'

I smirked and just grabbed it from his hand. I bowed and drank it, gulping the liquid slowly. I peaked towards him to see pink flush on his face. I pulled away from the bottle with a loud pop, and sighed out of satisfaction. I smiled and put it down on the kitchen counter.

I was about to walk away until he grabbed the same bottle, opened it and drank it. He throat going up and down, his lips cupping the mouth of the bottle while smirking at me. I looked away, holding my face to feel heat and walked away from the scene.

'What a perverted man!'

I went to the backyard and took a deep breath to calm myself, to calm my heart. I then realize that we drank from the same bottle. I touched my lips unconsciously and felt my blood rush to my face. I covered my face once again and jumped around the place.

'Did we just...kissed?'

We never kissed when we were together, and he wasn't this intimate either. I became conscious all of a sudden, making me think that he's like this because I looked more feminine than before.

'No. You need to forget about your past. Those feelings shouldn't exist anymore, shouldn't be valid.'

I shook my head and erased what happened in the kitchen. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I don't want to suffocate. I am not losing.

'Yuzuru, please stop.'

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