To Have & To Hold (G.W.)

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The Sorting Hat cries Ravenclaw! as a young, brown haired girl jumps from the stool and gleefully makes her way over to her respective House table.

Everyone begins to clap, and although he doesn't feel much like it, George does too.

He's a bit taken aback when you say to him suddenly, "I can't believe that was us only a few short years ago."

Just a few months ago, it seemed as though your seventh and final year at Hogwarts was still a long while away. It couldn't be creeping up that quickly, could it? You both met only six years ago in Transfiguration, but it feels like a lifetime. George grins at the memory. But now, sitting and watching the newest first years get placed into their Houses, he's feeling the nerves of the finality of it all—even though you're not there yet. Not exactly.

"Strange, isn't it?" he asks you, watching another student jump up excitedly and run to the Hufflepuff table. More claps ensue. "There's no way this is our last year here, right? We must be dreaming, or something."

A small smile tugs at the edges of your lips, and George feels his insides go warm. "Of course," you reply, "we're dreaming."

"Would you two quit being so melancholy?" Fred takes you by surprise when he kicks both of you underneath the table. "It's our final year! It's exciting! We've got loads of mischief planned, Y/N, and we expect your help."

You roll your eyes. "There's absolutely no way I'm going to be able to get out of this, is there?"

The twins smile and chorus together, "Nope." before diving head first into the feast that's just appeared in front of you all.

"Ah well—it is exciting, isn't it? We've got a lot to look forward to!" you tell them, cutting into the piece of chicken on your plate, "and besides.. with whatever you two have planned? I reckon I'm bound for some type of adventure. Things could be worse, right?"

Just then, a sickeningly sinister giggle emits from the front of the Great Hall; the three of you look at a woman dressed in all pink, whose face resembles that of an old toad, chatting animatedly with Dumbledore who's looking positively woebegone.

"Ugh," you say, looking back and forth between the twins, "maybe I've spoken too soon."

— -

You're tiptoeing next to George in the middle of the corridor; you keep whirling around to check if anyone's behind you. Months, you've been doing this. He can't help but grin at your flustered state. "D'you really think this is a good idea?" you ask him stealthily as the two of you meander throughout the castle halls.

"Of course," he replies, squeezing your hand. But inside, he's just not entirely sure. By the sounds of what Harry's said, getting detention with Umbridge is no walk in the park. He turns back to you and continues, "Don't worry—Harry knows what he's doing. Plus, we haven't been caught yet, have we?" He jabs you in the ribs and teases you, "Where's that sense of adventure we so admire? Oi, here's Fred and Ginny."

Just then, the two Weasley siblings round the bend and quite literally bump into you both. Fred says quietly, "Merlin help me—I can't ever remember where this bloody room is,"

"Seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy," you reply in a lowered voice, your eyes shifting across the corridors, "so you've got a flew floors to go, Freddie."

Both he and George laugh; Fred continues, "You'd think after months of going to these meetings, I'd remember where it is?"

"Why am I not surprised?" Ginny elbows Fred, teasing him slightly. "C'mon then, let's go—looks like the coast is clear,"

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