Chapter One

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I'm adding a disclaimer here even though I've already rated this book mature. There will be a lot of cursing in this chapter and throughout the entire book. There will also be smut. Gay smut, straight smut, bi smut, and group smut. If you're not ok with any of that, please don't be surprised and leave rude comments if you continue reading. You've been warned! Lol that sounded ominous. ALSO, normal font is them speaking Korean, italics is thoughts, and bold is English. Just for future reference. I'll probably put more reminders later so no one gets confused!

Anyway, please enjoy the first chapter!


Kimura waves to the man sitting behind the front desk as she walks into Jung Cosmetics Co. and proceeds to the studio they have in their building for photo shoots. As soon as she opens the studio door, she's tackled into a hug by her best friend and makeup artist, Choi Violet.

"Kiki! It's about time you got here. Hurry up, sit down so we can get started," demands Violet.

"Vi, what the hell are you talking about? I'm ten minutes early and you're acting like I'm an hour late," Kimura says.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on," Violet says while dragging Kimura over to the vanity and pushes her into a chair.

"What's got you so excited today?" Kimura asks as Violet gets to work on her makeup.

"The sun is shining, the world is turning, it's a beautiful day," Violet says dreamily.

"Uhhh, okay, the sun is definitely not shining today, Vi. Did you meet someone or something?" Kimura asks excitedly.

"No, no, you know I'm not interested in dating right now, Kiki."

"Then what is it, woman? I'm gonna die from curiosity!"

"BTS posted a video of their dance practice this morning and J-Hope completely wrecked me, okay?" Violet shouts out and the other people in the studio stop to stare at them.

"Ahhh, I should have known. They're the only thing that gets you this excited," says Kiki while everyone else gets back to work setting up for the shoot.

"Speaking of BTS, Spring Day came on when I was pulling into the parking lot so I recorded myself singing it and posted it on my Instagram. I know I have some followers here in Korea, but most of them are American so hopefully I've got some American ARMYs that will enjoy the song too."

"Oh my god, what if BTS sees it?" Violet says and almost stabs Kimura in the eye from her excitement.

"Calm down before I lose an eye!" she says, swiftly moving back in the chair. "Anyway, there's no way they'll ever see that video. There are thousands of other people doing covers and mine will be lost in the mix. I just really hope my followers enjoy it and maybe start listening to BTS if they didn't before."

"Okay, okay, you're probably right. It'd be so cool if they did see it though," Violet says as she puts the finishing touches on Kiki's makeup.

"It really would be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Now, I'm gonna go let the stylists dress me so we can finish this shoot and you can buy me lunch!" Kimura says as she gets up and moves to the stylists.

Oh no, she's probably so hungry today. I'm gonna need a loan to pay for our lunch!  Violet thinks as she cleans up the vanity.


Kimura moved to California right after she graduated high school in Korea to attend college at UCLA. Her mother's family lives in LA and Kimura and her mom would spend summers there, so moving to LA wasn't a huge culture shock for her. She loved the diversity in LA compared to Seoul. In Seoul, her green eyes and larger than Korean average chest stood out a like sore thumb, but in LA no one cared that she has green eyes and big boobs. It was a freeing feeling to her 18 year old self-conscious mind.

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