Chapter 23

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Jungkook drives us to my apartment in my car, holding my hand the whole journey as I stare blankly at the sunrise while giving him directions.

"I usually love watching the sun rise," I say in the quiet car. "Sometimes I wake up extra early and go find a spot to take good pictures. But today, it's not giving me any feelings. I'm numb. I don't like being numb, Kookie."

"It's okay to not feel anything for a little while, I think. You had a really tough night and now your mind is trying to protect itself by not acknowledging your emotions. I'm sure they'll come back in full force once you see your family," he says, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

We arrive at my apartment and I absentmindedly pack a weeks worth of clothes and toiletries. I grab my passport out of my safe and change into a pair of black leggings and a black oversized long sleeved shirt. I pull my long hair into a ponytail and put on a black ball cap.

I decide to call Violet since I have time now.

"Jungkook?" I call out to him as he's quietly observing my paintings. He hums and turns to me as I sit on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to me for him to sit.

I hold his hand tightly as I call Violet.

"Bitch, why are you waking me up at 6am?" She asks groggily.

"Unnie," I whisper. She instantly knows something is wrong because I only ever call her that if I'm really upset.

"What is it Kiki? Are you okay?"

"It's grandma, she had a bad fall and she's in a coma. The doctors say they're not optimistic that she'll ever regain consciousness," I tell her, tears streaming down my cheeks again as JK holds me. "I'm going to Japan with my parents and Jungkook in a few hours. I don't know how long I'll be gone."

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come with you?" She offers.

"No, it's okay Vi. Jungkook is coming with me today while Joon tries to clear their schedules so they all can come tomorrow. I have to go meet my parents now, but I just wanted to let you know. I know you love her just as much as I do and you deserve to know what's going on. I'll be sure to keep you updated when we get there. I love you, Vi," I say with a sob.

"I love you too, Kimura. Give your parents my love please," she says and we end the call.

I turn, crawling onto JK's lap and cry into his neck for a minute. He whispers over and over in my ear that he loves me and that he'll help me through whatever happens. He reaches over to my nightstand to grab a tissue. He holds it to my nose and says, "blow." I comply and empty my nose of the abundance of snot.

I wipe my eyes and thank him. We gather all my stuff and I make sure to grab a mask for each of us before we head to my car. I set the GPS to my parents house so I don't have to tell him where to go.

"I'm sorry this is how you're meeting my parents," I murmur. "I thought when you guys finally met it would be a happy occasion and we'd all have fun while they got to know you."

"Don't worry about it, noona. We're not going to let you suffer through this alone just so we can meet your parents under better circumstances. It's not ideal, but it's what we're working with and we'll be fine, okay?"

"Okay," I nod, holding his hand again.

We pull up to my parents house twenty minutes later. I tell JK the code for the gate and we drive to the front door. The door opens and my mother rushes out as I'm getting out of the car. She takes me into her arms as we both cry. I see Jungkook trying to give us a moment and I silently thank him.

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