Chapter 25

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I got the call about my grandma on Friday night, it's now Tuesday and my parents, BTS, and I are cleaning out my grandmas house.

Saturday was the worst day. My parents and I left the guys at the hotel, except Jungkook. He insisted, saying "noona please. Maybe it's for selfish reasons, but I just need to be there with you. I can't sit here and think about you being alone when it happens. If not me, please just take one of us with you. Please." So Jungkook went with us and held my hand as we watched the doctors unplug my grandma from the machines keeping her alive.

I'd never stood by and watched someone die before. Though I knew she wasn't suffering because she no longer had any brain function left, it was painful to watch her body struggle for breath and then give up altogether. Jungkook held me tighter than I'd ever been held before, holding the broken pieces of my heart together as my grandmothers stopped beating.

The rest of the day was spent grieving at the hotel. My parents mostly stayed in their room together, the boys and I cuddled up on the huge couch in the living room. Taehyung and Jungkook were both attached to my hip. I felt bad for letting Jungkook go to the hospital with me, it was clear that watching my grandma die was very traumatic for him. He told me it would have been traumatic even if he hadn't gone because my pain is his pain as well. I also feel bad for Tae. Me grieving for my grandmother has brought up all of his emotions from his own grandma's death and now he's feeling everything all over again.

I called Violet to let her know. We were both sobbing messes, but Jimin was holding me and wiping my tears faster than they could fall which made me feel a little better. I also had to call my manager and have her move my photo shoot for Vogue to next week.

Sunday was spent finalizing "funeral" plans. Grandma said she didn't want a traditional Japanese funeral, which consists of a wake and the ashes to be buried at a family grave. She still wanted to be cremated, but she wanted her ashes to be spread over places that meant the most to us. That's what they did when my grandfather died and that's what she wanted for herself. She didn't want a church service, because we weren't a religious family, or an actual funeral gathering. We honored her wishes and when we got her ashes on Monday, we spread some of them in her flowerbed in front of her house as it was a special place to all of us. The rest would be spread around other special places when we get to.

So now it's Tuesday and we're going through my grandma's belongings. Figuring out what we want to keep and what to donate. She also has things she wanted to be sent to our family in LA.

We're gathered around the small table in the dining room, looking through photo albums while eating the delicious meal Jin insisted upon making with the food left in grandma's kitchen.

"Jin, this meal is delicious!" My mom compliments Jin and his ears turn red. "Where did you learn to cook like this?"

"My mom taught me as I was growing up. Plus I practically had to raise all these brats myself so I had to cook for them a lot," Jin jokes, ruffling Jimin's hair.

"Don't let hyung fool you," JK says to my parents, walking behind Jin and resting his hands on his broad shoulders, "we really had to raise him. Ninety percent of the time he acts like the maknae."

Jin scoffs and pouts, "do you see how they treat me? I guess I didn't do a good job raising them," he shakes his head and tuts, "the disrespect from you kids."

"Please, we're all perfect angels, hyung," Namjoon jokes.

"Excuse me...I thought I was the angel around here," I pretend to pout.

There's a pause and then chaos ensues. The kitchen is loud as they boys all talk over each other saying that I'm the most perfect angel. My parents and I stare at each other in wide eyed before laughing until there's tears in our eyes. It felt so good the be crying happy tears instead of sad tears.

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