Chapter Two

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Both Kiki and Violet's eyes are comically wide, but Violet might be freaking out more than Kimura at this point.

Violet squeals and says, "Dude, what are you waiting for? Open that shit!"

"Oh god, I think I'm in shock. Or maybe having a heart attack...what if they're mad and want me to take the video down?" Kiki panics.

"I'm sure that's not it, they would have told the guys to delete their repost if that were the case. Just open it and see what it says instead of panicking," Violet says calmly to her friend.

"You're probably right," Kiki replies with a nervous laugh. "Okay, here goes nothing."

She clicks on the message and reads through it at least five times with a shocked look on her face.

'This can't be real. I think I'm hallucinating.'

"What does it say? I'm dying over here."

She whispers in disbelief, "they want to meet up with me to see if I would like to collaborate with BTS......"

Kiki turns her phone to let Violet read the message for herself and asks "Violet, am I hallucinating or is this real?"

Violets snatches Kiki's phone out of her hand to read the message. "You're definitely not hallucinating and you can thank me now because I messaged back saying you're free to meet them any time today if they're available. You're welcome," she says with a smug smile on her face.

"You did what? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I'm gonna die. I look like a potato, I need time to prepare! What am I gonna do?"

"Girl, chill! I did your makeup like two hours ago so you for sure don't look like a potato. Also, you didn't have any makeup on when you posted that video, so hush," Violet says trying to calm Kiki down a little.

"Okay, right, my face looks great thanks to you...and yeah, I'm a cute potato without makeup anyway, I can do this!"

Her phone dings in her hand with a new message from Big Hit.

"Nope, I cannot do this," she promptly loses all her confidence so Violet takes her phone to read the message for her.

"Okay, they want to meet at 12:30 and I told them that works for you," she grins.

"That's only thirty minutes from now! What the fuck, can we even drive to their building that fast? Where even is their building? Does this mean we can't eat fried chicken now? Never mind, I'm too nervous to eat anyway. Okay, let's go," Kiki says all in one breath.

"Hey, Kiki... maybe you should let me drive. Your hands are shaking really bad and you look like you're about to start hyperventilating," Violet worries.

"Yeah, okay, you're gonna drive us to go meet BTS."

They switch seats and Violet puts the Big Hit address into her navigation app and starts their journey.

Kiki and Violet have been ARMY since before the group debuted so this is a dream come true for them even if Violet isn't the one getting to meet and potentially collab with them.

"Do you think they'll let me come to the meeting with you?" Violet asks with hope in her voice.

"I'll DM them now to insist that you be allowed in with me. I know I can't do this without you, Vi," she says nervously while typing out a message on her phone.

They wait anxiously for a response and both gasp when her phone dings ten minutes later.

"Oh, thank god, they said you can come in with me!" Kiki let's out a sigh of relief while Violet starts freaking out again.

"This is so cool Kiki! Thank you so much for posting that cover, J-Hope is gonna know my name in a few minutes!"

"I'm definitely in shock right now. Are you sure this is really happening?" Kiki questions her friend.

"Yes! Look, we're pulling up to their building now. It's totally real, sis."

"Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck." Kiki curses.

"Listen Kiki, you're a gorgeous, intelligent, talented, and successful woman. You have nothing to worry about, I promise. Just go in there and enjoy meeting BTS and making a memory you'll never forget. Even if you don't end up working with them, this will be one of the coolest days of your life," Violet encourages Kimura.

Kimura stares at her best friend who is suddenly not freaking out about meeting her favorite group anymore and takes a deep breath, calming her nerves slightly.

"Thanks, Violet. I don't know what I'd do without you," she says gratefully.

"You'd probably be dying of a heart attack right now if you didn't have me, so you're welcome," she laughs. "Anyway, it's twelve twenty-five, so get the fuck out of this car, let's gooo!" Violet says in her best impression of J-Hope.

Kiki chuckles a little at her friends enthusiasm as they get out of the car and make their way to the Big Hit building. Walking into the lobby, they stop to look around with awed smiles on their faces seeing posters of BTS and other idol groups Big Hit has signed. Violet taps Kiki's shoulder and nods toward the reception desk. They walk over and bow to the lady behind the desk.

"Good afternoon girls, how may I help you?" the woman politely asks them.

"Hi, I'm Jung Kimura, this is Choi Violet, and we have a meeting at twelve-thirty," Kiki says nervously.

"Oh yes! You're the woman that did the beautiful Spring Day cover," she exclaims, grabbing two guest passes from her desk and handing them to Kiki and Violet.

Kiki blushes and bows repeatedly "thank you, I hope you enjoyed it," she shyly says.

"Awww, you're too cute! Okay, your meeting will be on the fifth floor, third door on the right when you exit the elevator. Good luck, sweetie," she dismisses the girls with a bow and a wave.

Kiki thanks her as they bow and wave back then proceed to the elevator. When the doors close both girls look at each other and squeal.

"Bitch, you're already famous!" Violet says cheekily and Kiki gently swats her on the arm while still blushing.

"Hush, I'm not! She's supposed to know who I am so she can tell me where to go, that's all."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's all it was," Violet sarcastically responds as the elevator doors open.

They walk the short distance and stop in front of the third door on the right. Kiki takes the deepest breath she's ever taken in her life and knocks on the door.

"You got this Kiki," whispers Violet as they smile at each other.

They hear what sounds like excited shouting and a bunch of running footsteps on the other side of the door before it bursts open.


Kiki this entire chapter lol

**3-10-23**I have removed approximately 400 exclamation marks and it's only the second chapter 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

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I have removed approximately 400 exclamation marks and it's only the second chapter 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

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