Chapter Thirteen

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Kiki's living room up top! Please ignore the cats even though they're cute af 🤣

English is bold.

Thank you guys for answering my questions in the 'Let's Chat' chapter. It's nice getting to know some fellow ARMYs 💜💜


The meeting with Vogue Korea went as well as it could have. Kiki approved all the questions they sent over for her and spent an hour going over the outfits, makeup, and props. She was extremely excited to find out she'd be shooting with a golden retriever, but even that excitement couldn't overshadow her exhaustion.

Having a nightmare always drains her energy, but pouring out her emotions at 5am and then being professional with strangers for an hour really didn't help. So she eats a light snack of sliced cucumbers, carrots, and kimchi then settles on her couch to take a nap before Violet picks her up for lunch.

Kiki jolts awake when she hears her phone buzzing on the side table by her head. Without looking at the caller ID, because she assumes it's Violet letting her know she's on her way, Kiki answers the phone grumpily, "let me sleep bitch."

"Wow darling, I was just calling to see how your meeting went. Didn't expect to be called a bitch," Jin says, amused. This quickly wakes Kiki up.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry oppa. I was exhausted after everything today so I was enjoying my nap before lunch with Violet. I thought it was her calling!" She apologizes.

"Don't worry about it, Kiki, I understand. was your meeting? I'm still curious."

"It was fine. I approved of everything and I found out I'll be shooting with a golden retriever!" She bounces in her seat, the excitement returning now that she's not so tired.

"For real?! They're so cute and sweet, I'm jealous!" Kiki hears someone talking in the background for a few seconds before some shuffling. "The others want to know what I'm jealous about so you're on speaker now."

"Hello boys! How was your morning?" Kiki asks with a smile even though they couldn't see her.

"It would be better if you were here, gorgeous! Now tell us why our hyung is jealous, please," Jimin says.

"Ohhhh nothing. Just that my Vogue shoot will involve a golden retriever!" she smugly admits, knowing they'd be jealous because they love animals.

"No way! Now we're all jealous!" Tae says, she can tell he's pouting by the tone of his voice.

"Awww, don't be jealous Tae Tae. You have Yeontan! Speaking of him, when do I get to meet all of your doggies?! I was low key sad I didn't get to cuddle dogs at your place yesterday."

"Well we usually keep them with us when we have a break, but we've been so busy lately we haven't been able to see them for a while," Joon sadly admits.

"That's too bad. Although it's good that you have somewhere they can go when you're too busy! Animal neglect is not cool, my dudes," she pauses, "I'd also like to throw it out there that I'm not too busy these days and would be thrilled to watch them for you if you need me to!"

"I'm sure you'll all love each other, little one, but once we start on our collab you'll probably be pretty busy too," explains Yoongi.

"What a bummer. I want your dogs to live with me. And then y'all can go away and let us be happy together for the rest of our days," she says sassily, "I might let you visit occasionally if you promise me food."

"Wow, how generous of you," Yoongi deadpans.

"My darling, if I cook for you everyday will you allow me to stay?" Asks Jin.

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