Chapter 36

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Loooong chapter ahead!

Japanese is underlined italics.
English is bold.

Also, be prepared for some smut! I'll put a warning before it starts and when it ends for those of you that don't like smut. For those of you that do, I hope I do a good job 😅


"Keys please," Yoongi says as we near my car, I drop them in his outstretched hand and blush when he opens and closes the door for me.

"Where are we going?" I ask when he gets into the drivers seat after putting his bag in the backseat.

"Patience, little one," he tells me, giving nothing away. Laughing when I huff with impatience.

"I have none," I pout.

"You'll know soon enough," he chuckles.

He was right, I figured out where we were heading pretty quickly.

"We're going to my apartment?" I ask.

"Mhmm," he hums. "I'm going to make us dinner. I might have asked your mom for a few of your grandma's recipes. Hopefully I can do them justice."

"Oh Yoongi," I clear my throat, "you're so thoughtful. I'm sure you'll do great. Thank you for doing this for me."

He smiles and holds my hand, not saying anything, but still giving me so much comfort with his silent support.

"Wait," I say after a bit. "How do you know where I live?" I don't remember telling him and I'm positive that he hasn't been to my apartment before.

"Jin-hyung gave me your address earlier."

"But you don't even have your GPS turned on," I say skeptically.

"Okay, so maybe I memorized the route?" He admits and I just stare at him, shocked.

"That's impressive. I barely know how to get home from the Big Hit building," I laugh a little.

We pull into the parking lot and I direct Yoongi to my parking spot. He pulls his hood over his head before we get out of the car and rush into my apartment after he grabs his bag.

"Welcome to my humble home," I tell him, throwing my keys into the bowl on the table by the door while he sets his bag down. "Feel free to go wherever you want. I need to water my plants real quick."

Yoongi follows me around quietly as I go to the kitchen to fill up a pitcher of water and go around watering the plants scattered around my apartment. He gasps when he sees all the artwork in my bedroom and stays in there when I wander to a different room. I finish my task and go back to my room to find Yoongi. He's sitting on my bed looking through my sketches.

"I hope you don't mind, I saw it laying on your desk and couldn't help myself."

"I don't mind at all. I told Jimin when he was here that I like to draw you guys when I feel overwhelming emotions. You've all truly been helping me in more ways than you know. I hope it's not creepy that I've drawn you guys so much that I could probably draw you with my eyes closed," I laugh nervously.

Yoongi closed the sketch book and puts it back on my desk before walking over to me. He pulls me into a hug and takes my hat off so he can kiss the top of my head.

"Not creepy at all. You're very talented," he speaks into my hair.

"So are you," I say, nuzzling into his embrace. "Hey oppa?"


"I'm hungry," I say into his chest, enjoying the way it feels when he laughs in response.

"I'm not really surprised."

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