Chapter 20

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Guys...I don't know how to write songs so I'm sorry if everything I write in this chapter is inaccurate to songwriting. I'm completely bullshitting my way through this lmao

Reminder: this takes place in spring of 2020 so the BE album hasn't been released yet and COVID is not a thing nor is it going to be in this fic.

English is bold!


The boys and I are gathered in Namjoon's studio. Joonie said it was because he had the most extra seating, but I think it was because he was really excited to show me his workspace. It was a very calm room and I could see he put a lot of effort into making it that way.

"I love your studio, oppa. It's very zen," I say taking a seat on his couch. Joon sits in his chair at his desk while Hobi and Yoongi sit next to me. Yoongi grabs mine and Hobi's hands and rests them in his lap without looking at either of us. I giggle at his stoic face and lean into his arm.

"Thanks, I try to keep it calm and clean in here so it's easier to concentrate," he says, "okay so, songwriting can be either extremely personal or it can be impersonal if you're just trying to make a fun song for the masses. Do you have any ideas about what you want our collab to entail?"

I'm not surprised that Namjoon has jumped right into working. He's always seemed so driven and focused and it's really motivating me right now.

"We'll, since we're doing at least five songs there's room for a bit of both right? I don't want to make the whole thing really heavy, you know?"

"Variety is good, we could also tell a story with each song. Maybe start out somewhat heavy and progressively lighten it up," Hobi remarks.

"Do we have a deadline for this? Because I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed and we haven't even started yet," I say a bit nervously.

Yoongi squeezes my hand in reassurance, "you don't have to be involved in the writing or producing process if you don't want to, little one. But I think you should try writing for today to see if you end up enjoying it. You might surprise yourself," he encourages.

"Of course I'll try it, but just so y'all know, my toxic trait is that I get really frustrated when I'm not immediately perfect at whatever I'm trying to do and want to quit. So like...sorry in advance?" I laugh a little with the guys.

"Angel, don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's probably gonna be a lot different than you think. We usually start out with a concept or a feeling we want to convey and work from there. Jotting down random words that explain what we're feeling and then filling in the blanks," Joon says.

"Yeah, and don't worry about it if you don't end up writing anything you like. We're here to help, you can tell us what you're wanting to say and we'll try to come up with something you like," Yoongi suggests.

"Don't be afraid to ask the other guys for help either. They're all incredible songwriters," says Hoseok.

I listen to everything they tell me and say, "even if I'm bad at writing at first, I'll stick with it and ask for help. I have so many things I'd like to say and putting it in songs that could help others feel better seems incredibly rewarding," they smile and nod, agreeing that it is very fulfilling.

"Would it be okay if we do what Yoongi-oppa suggested first? Me telling you guys what I want to express and y'all writing something. I think I'd feel more comfortable after I see how you do things as an example." I ask, thinking that I'll understand how to write better after seeing how they do it.

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