Chapter Seven

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I felt this POV change was necessary to give some insight on the boys' relationship and how they're already feeling about Kimura.

Also, please remember this is a work of fiction. Not everything is going to be accurate with their personalities, sexual preferences, or what's going on in real life. I obviously don't know their real personalities so everything I write is purely from my imagination.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment!


Yoongi's POV

Jin, Hobi, Namjoon, and Yoongi are in the living room while the maknaes and Kiki are in the kitchen cleaning up. They're all quietly reflecting on all the things Kimura revealed to them during dinner.

"It makes me sad that such a beautiful and kind person went through such a tough time." says Hobi with sad eyes.

"I hope she's actually doing better and not just saying she's fine." Joonie says.

"Don't worry guys. We'll keep an eye on her and be there for her if she ever needs help." Jin grabs Namjoon and Hobi's hands and rubs them with his thumbs.

"I want to know what the cause of her depression and anxiety is." Yoongi says, knowing that something must have happened to make her want to hurt herself.

"You think something happened to her?" asks Namjoon.

"I don't want to assume things because everyone is different. It could be a hormonal problem or something."

"But you don't think it's that, do you?" Hobi says, scrutinizing Yoongi's expression.

"No, I don't. I've seen that look in her eyes as she was telling her story. I saw that look every time I looked in a mirror for months. Sadness, despair, pain. I think something happened to her." Sadness leaks into his voice thinking about what could have happened to cause her so much pain. Hobi reaches over with his free hand to stroke Yoongi's smooth cheek.

Yoongi knows how it feels to be so depressed that it's hard to do normal everyday things. He knows what it's like getting anxiety attacks at the most inconvenient times. He knows what it's like to feel so hopeless and empty that you want to hurt yourself just to feel something other than the pain in your head and heart. Yoongi is grateful to the six men in his life for taking care of him when he couldn't care for himself. They encouraged him to see a therapist when they didn't know what to do to help him mentally and he'll love them forever for all the support they've given him over the years.

No one but the Big Hit owner and BTS managers know that the boys are in a relationship together. Even though polyamory is becoming more popular in most countries, it's not something they want the world to know just yet. Bang-PD supported their relationship from the moment they told him four years ago. Yoongi explained to him that they were the reason he was feeling so much better, that they encouraged him to get help. Bang-PD didn't give them disgusted looks like Yoongi was expecting. All the guys were scared they were going to be kicked from the label, but Bang looked them all in the eyes and said, "I don't know how long you have all been in a relationship before telling me, but for this past month I've noticed a change in your behavior. You all seem much happier, you're laughing more and if you're all happy, I have no problems with your relationship. Unless it starts negatively effecting your work as BTS."

They went the first three years after debut with no one in the band knowing that they were all attracted to each other. Yoongi didn't figure out his feelings until he started going to therapy. He would talk so much about the guys and with so much emotion that his therapist asked him if he had feelings for them as more than brothers. He, of course, said no at first. But the more Yoongi thought about it, the more it made sense to him. It made his anxiety worse for a few weeks because he couldn't stop thinking about how his feelings could destroy the band and the guys would hate him. Not because he was bisexual, but because he was in love with ALL of them. He had feelings for every single member of BTS and he didn't know how to handle it. His therapist suggested that he talk with Namjoon about it because he's the leader and he would handle the situation with care.

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