Chapter Four

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Hello readers!

I'd like to say that I know nothing about how the music industry works, but this a work of fiction and not everything is going to be realistic no matter how hard I try.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!



Kimura is sitting in a conference room with Violet, BTS, Manager Sejin, and a Big Hit lawyer, reading through the contract Big Hit's lawyers drew up for them with a shocked look on her face. It states that she will collaborate on at least five songs with BTS, she will receive 50% of the profits from each song, writing and producing credits if she chooses to be involved with that part of the process, and she has to promote the collaborations by doing vlives with BTS and promotions on her own social media since she already has such a large following. She has to commit to performing the songs live at all BTS concerts and radio and tv appearances in Korea, she will be paid $15,000 per concert and $5,000 per tv or radio appearance, and she has to make at least one, but not limited to one, music video which she will also receive 50% of the profits from. All expenses involved with making the songs, videos, concerts, and tv and radio appearances will be covered by Big Hit. Failure to perform at a concert or tv/radio show will result in no payments for that performance, but no legal actions would be taken against Kimura.

She reads through the contract several times. She only looks up when Manager Sejin clears his throat.

"Do you have any questions or concerns regarding the contract and what's expected of you if you sign?" Sejin inquires.

Kiki stares at him with wide eyes before saying, "um, are you sure this is right?"

"Our lawyers are very competent, Miss Jung," Sejin says, politely.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to imply they made any mistakes. I just meant..." she trails off looking around at the BTS members. "Do you guys know what this contract says?"

"Yes, we suggested the amount of songs and doing a music video or videos. Oh, and the live performances. I guess we pretty much wrote the contract ourselves," Namjoon tells her with a dimpled smile while the lawyer shakes his head, smiling too.

She stares at Namjoon with a blank face for long enough for him to become concerned.

"Kiki? Are you okay?" he asks.

"I think I'm in shock," she says quietly.

"It's okay, take your time," Manager Sejin tells her.

"So, let me make sure I understand. You all want me to make at least five songs with you and perform them live all around Korea? And make at least one music video with you? And I get paid for all this?" she asks looking around at all of them while they all nod at her. "I thought this was just going to be one song, no videos or live performances."

"Legally, you don't have to perform if you don't want to," the lawyer speaks for the first time, "the members wanted to make sure that no legal actions would be taken against you if you don't perform, but we put the performances in the contract in case you do decide to perform so you can get paid for your time and effort."

"Kimura, we were all in awe of you when we saw your video. It would be a dream to work with you," Jin says.

"We really hope you agree to this work with us, noona," Jungkook says with a hopeful bunny smile, "most collabs usually are just one or two songs and maybe a video, but you're so amazing we want to do so much more than just one song!"

"Please say yes," Taehyung says and pouts at her adorably.

"Ugh, you guys are melting my heart over here," Violet chimes in.

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