Chapter 32

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Please go back and read at least the last bit of chapter 31 since it's been a while and this chapter starts off where the last one ended!

Smut with Jin!

You've been warned. 😏😂

Also, thanks for 69k reads! 💜


My breathing turns heavy and I shiver as Jin runs his eyes and hands over my body, his touch feather light as we stand by the side of the bed.

"So gorgeous," he whispers to himself.

I realize he's still fully clothed so I reach over and slip my hands under his shirt, dragging my hands over his abs and chest while bringing the shirt up with my arms. Jin takes his shirt off for me and I move my hands to his shoulders, admiring how wide and strong they are.

Desperate to have his lips on mine, I pull him down and kiss him. Our tongues reach out at the same time to explore each other, my hands roaming over his smooth skin while his sink into my hair, positioning my head the way he wants it. I moan when he bites my lip and soothes it with a swipe of his tongue.

Jin takes his fingers from my hair and runs them down my spine until he reaches the hooks of my bra and pulls them apart. He pulls away from my mouth after giving me a few gentle pecks and slowly slides the straps of my bra down my arms, revealing my breasts and dropping the bra on the floor.

He moves his hands from my hands all the way up my arms to my neck and down my collarbones, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I nod at him when he looks in my eyes, asking permission to touch.

"Lie down, darling," Jin takes his pants off as I slip in under the covers, leaving him in tight black boxer briefs. I watch in awe as he turns my bedside lamp on before sauntering to turn the overhead lights off.

I feel like my heart will give up at any second with how gorgeous he is, but I also feel nerves creeping up on me. I know how large he is, and for me, the thought of a cock inside me, no matter how small or large, is kind of terrifying because my mind associates that with pain and tragedy. Not happiness and love like I should be feeling right now. I do feel happy and loved right now, but I also feel scared that it's going to be painful and I'll hate it and never be able to have sex again for my entire life. What if I can never have penetrative sex with my boyfriends even though I want to so much? What if they leave me because I can't move on?


Jin's POV

Once I take my pants off, I see Kiki's mind racing and I can tell it's not in a good direction. I hop in under the covers and gently stroke her increasingly distraught face with the back of my fingers until she finally looks at me.

"Baby...we don't have to do anything if you've changed your mind. I'd be content just to cuddle with you for the rest of my life," I give her a soft smile and she holds my hand firmly.

"No Jin. I want you so much, I swear. It's just my mind is going crazy with thoughts that I'll hate it and then you all will leave me eventually because I won't be able to have sex with you," she mutters glumly.

My heart drops at her admission. It's heartbreaking to hear that she thinks a relationship can't be healthy and fulfilling without sex. It makes me want to go give her piece of shit ex-boyfriend a piece of my mind, but now is not the time to think about that. Now is the time to reassure my girlfriend that I'll love her forever, no matter what.

"Darling, please look at me," she reluctantly lifts her nervous eyes to mine, "I promise you don't need to worry about us leaving you if you decide you hate sex and never want to do it again. You seemed to really enjoy the sexual things you've done with us so far and we can continue only doing those things, or nothing at all, if that's what you decide is best for you. We will all still love you no matter what, okay?"

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