3. Apparently blondes have less fun then I thought

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I didn't think I'd ever been scared of horses but theses were on another level

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I didn't think I'd ever been scared of horses but theses were on another level.

"The reinforcements?" I asked staring up at the strange shapes in the sky. Horses? With wings?

My life is getting worse and worse.

Jason nodded "The extraction squad."

Leo and I made a similar face. That sounded painful.

"Extraction squad?" Leo struggled to his feet. "That sounds painful."

"And where are they extracting us to?" Piper asked.

I watched as the chariot landed on the far end of the skywalk. The flying horses tucked in their wings and cantered nervously across the glass, as if they sensed it was near breaking.

"Just hurry guys!"

"I want donuts for this!"

"Did someone say donuts?"

I would have fallen if not for Piper steadying me. The horses talk!

Two teenagers stood in the chariot—a tall blond girl maybe a little older than me, something about her was familiar, and a bulky dude with a shaved head and a face like a pile of bricks. They both wore jeans and orange T-shirts, with shields tossed over their backs.

The girl leaped off before the chariot had even finished moving. She pulled a knife and ran toward our group while the bulky dude was reining in the horses.

"Where is he?" the girl demanded. Her gray eyes were fierce and a little startling.

"Where's who?" Jason asked.

She frowned like his answer was unacceptable. Then she turned to Leo and Piper. "What about Gleeson? Where is your protector, Gleeson Hedge?"

The coach's first name was Gleeson? I laughed.

"Gleeson Hedge: football coach, goat man, protector of demigods. Sure. Why not?" The blonde didn't find this as amusing as she did. "And who are you? Hedge only mentioned two demigods, why are there four?"

I rolled my eyes god everyone was so serious. It was suffocating.

"We multiplied. That's Jason and I'm Lila then over there is Piper and Leo. There we go intros over, I don't care who you are just tell us what the hells going on." I was bored and would rather talk to the creepy horses then the scary blonde.

"Lila?" The blonde narrowed her eyes at me looking me up and down with a confused expression before it turned serious again.

Leo cleared his throat. "Um... Hedge got taken by some ... tornado things."

"Venti," Jason said. "Storm spirits."

The blond girl arched an eyebrow. "You mean anemoi thuellai? That's the Greek term. Who are you, and what happened?"

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