The Revelation

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  He's like this because you let him smoke before drinking." Blake said, angry at me.

  "He's a grown man, why don't you and your mother leave him alone."

  Blake looked murderous. I glared up at him, angry he was blaming me for his brother's condition.

  "Is he drunk?" Their mother asked, appearing from nowhere. I tried to get off Ash's lap, but he held me down, both of us giggling like naughty school kids.

  Even Blake began laughing at the look of horror on Genevieve's face.

  "Stay out here, all of you, and sober him up. You're making a spectacle of yourselves." Genevieve glared at the three of us, then left in a huff of fragrant French perfume.

  "Blake?" An unfamiliar voice said from behind him. He spun around, still laughing. Standing behind him was Jessica. I tensed in Ash's arms at the sight of the woman who thought of Blake as 'her man'. This was an interesting development, I thought.

  She was smiling but her eyes were pissed. She looked from Blake to me and Ashton, then back to Blake. "I had to find out about all this on Instagram?"

  "About all what?" Blake asked, confused. Jessica handed him her phone. He looked at the image of himself and a tall women in a clingy silver dress, dancing. It was a photo of the moment I moved his hair from his face. The caption read 'Is Frederick Blake Beauchamp James finally off the market?'

We looked great, I thought proudly.

  "Who is she?" Jessica asked, glaring from me to Blake. Blake opened his mouth and then closed it again.

  "This is Jamie. She's my date." Ash slurred, saving the day. "We were just leaving." He released me and I stood in front of Jessica. I looked her up and down and smiled at Blake. It was a goodbye smile.

  Ash and I were met in the canopy area by his driver. I was desperate for a smoke, the sight of Jessica and Blake unnerved me. I looked in my bag and realised Blake had left my vape on the balcony rail. I told Ash I'd be back in two minutes and to wait for me in the car.

  I made my way back through the crowd of party goers, smiling at the fact that they were all still going hard, dancing the night away. Rich people sure knew how to party on a Monday night.

  I saw my vape out on the balcony and beelined for it. Once I had it, I turned to leave. That's when I saw Blake and Jessica, still in the dark corner, kissing. I sighed sadly, but wasn't surprised. I was expecting her to come and claim him at any moment. Blake was too good of a catch to give up without a fight.

  I made my way back to Ash and joined him in the van. He looked so happy to see me, I leaned my head against him. Breathing in his expensive cologne. 

  "What happened with Stacey?' I asked when we began driving.

  "Nothing happened. That's the problem. We went outside and we kissed... and nothing..." Ash said sadly. I turned to face him. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  "It's way too soon for that." I lectured him. "You and I know your sexual issues aren't physical, they're mental. With you and Stacey, there's feelings involved. And history. And you're too much of a thinker. Thinking is the number one killer of sex drive!"

  "Why are you so understanding? You didn't bat an eyelid when Stacey looked at you like you were dirt, or when Jessica arrived. How do I do that? How do I think less? How do I care less?" I took his face in my hands and kissed him. He kissed me back, it was a heated, desperate kiss. In an attempt to prove my point, I did what I'd wanted to do all night, I undid my seat belt and climbed onto his lap.

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