Chapter Four

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Kieran sat down and looked through the window then watched the Charmed House and waited for Sean and Arianna to leave. After waiting for a few minutes Kieran's younger sister sat next to him and waited too. "Why do we have to keep waiting for them. Why don't we just go inside and take the book of shadows for ourselves" Hayley said, "if they catch us trying to get the book they will kill us, and besides we need to see if we can get the book first". Hayley faced Kieran and asked him what if they can't get the book because it's protected. He sighed then told her that they would use Carter's identity theft spell and that will allow them to use the book. "After we get the book we can use it to get the Charmed Ones powers," Kieran said while laughing "when are they going to leave. I hate waiting" Carter asked when he walked in. Kieran grunted and explained everything to him too. Then they all went into the kitchen and got some things for an identity theft spell just in case they needed it. "You too go keep waiting for them to leave and once they do text me," Kieran said "where are you going," Carter asked, "I will go get the last few things for the spell". He waved goodbye then grabbed his car keys and drove to the store but when he passed the Charmed Ones house he saw them talking to each other.

Before Sean went to work he ran around the house looking for his car keys but couldn't find it, he kept searching until he remembered he left them in his other pants. He ran into his room and got his keys then said goodbye to his brother and sister. "Remember to come back early," Arianna said "why," Sean asked "today is our one month anniversary" "of what" "it's been exactly one month since we became witches" "oh yeah. Well, I'll be home early but I gotta go. Bye". Sean walked out of the front door and drove to Aaron's so he could start his work. When he got there he clocked in and began filling in orders, while he was cooking he looked up and saw Jayda. He started smiling and then she stopped cleaning and looked up then smiled back which made him turn around. After he finished cooking he walked over to Jayda and helped her put the mop bucket back in the janitor's closet. "Thanks for the help" Jayda said "no problem. Can I ask you a question" Sean said, "what is it" "are you free next Friday" "why. Do you want to ask me out on a date" "maybe" "I would love to" "I'll pick you up at seven". They both smiled at each other and then Sean went back to finish his work. When Sean looked back to see Jayda one more time she was already gone and at first he thought it was weird because he didn't hear any doors open. Then Sean noticed he got three more orders to fill so he put his apron back on and went straight to work. Before he started cooking he texted Arianna telling her that he would be home soon so she wouldn't freak out.

About an hour after Sean left for work Michael walked into the attic and saw Arianna practicing some potions. He walked over and sat down on the couch then asked "why aren't you at work" "they don't need me yet" she said but then her phone dinged "well guess they need me now. I gotta go" "bye". Arianna ran down the stairs after getting ready then she grabbed her car keys and drove to the nightclub to see what the problem was. When she got to the club she parked her car and ran inside expecting to see something horrible. "What's the emergency," she asked Tim "the band canceled" "it's fine just try and book OneRepublic" "okay. Also, we need more cups" "I'll go get some downstairs". She walked out of the common room and ran to the storage closet then came out with enough cups for the rest of the tables and the bar. When she handed it to Tim he thanked her then asked her if she can help her set up for the band and the guest. Arianna hung up some lights and placed some instruments on the stage for the band to play with if they agreed to go. "Okay everything is ready and I should be going home," Arianna said then grabbed her car keys "thanks for everything Arianna," Tim said while smiling at her "no problem just remember that if you need anything to be afraid to call or text me". They both hugged goodbye and then Arianna walked to her car and started driving home to get ready for their dinner.


Right after Arianna left Michael went into his room to look for some job applications for a job he might enjoy working at. When Kieran came back to his house he noticed that Arianna and Sean were gone so he went inside his house and learned that Michael was in his room. "It's time guys. Grab your teleportation potions in case we need a quick escape" Kieran said then grabbed his potion and walked outside followed by Hayley and Carter. They all snuck behind the house and then Kieran started to pick the lock so they could go inside. When the door was open they all walked upstairs and went into the attic, then Carter saw the book and walked towards it. Michael sat up in bed when he thought he heard someone walking upstairs in the attic but he thought Arianna came home early and she went to practice more potions. Kieran walked slowly towards the open book and right before he could touch it the book magically slam shut. They all jumped a little when that happened but he gathered the courage to try again. He went closer to the book and when he was about to grab it the book magically dropped to the floor which made a loud band. "Damn it. We need to go NOW" Kieran said then smashed the potion which made him teleport. Once Carter and Hayley used their potions and teleported away Michael opened the attic door and saw the book on the floor and no one around it. He put the book back on the altar then saw Arianna and Sean park outside the house. He walked downstairs and told them what happened, "maybe a demon tried to get the book," Sean said "which means it might come back," Michael said, "and we will be ready".

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