Chapter Twenty-One

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After walking with the kids for about an hour Sean and Jayda decided to bring them home so they could go to bed. While they were walking Sean noticed that Liam already fell asleep in the stroller so he talked quietly to Jayda. "Do you think it's safe for them to be outside this young" Sean asked "you need to calm down. They're two months old" Jayda answered "I know that but I don't want them to get sick" "let's just hurry and get home". Once they were almost home they passed by a singer who was singing on the street for money. Sean grabbed his wallet then placed five dollars into his hat then walked with Jayda to the manor. When Sean, Jayda, and the babies were gone the singer continued singing and trying to make people pay him. This was all happening while a leprechaun watched him from a bush with gold in both of his hands. "Sláinte is táinte," Flynn said while waving his hand over the gold and at the singer who was still singing. As soon as he did that a gold wave of magic came out of the gold in his hands and hit the person. Once that happened a one hundred dollar bill flew into the singer's hat which made him so happy he started cheering. Then Flynn smiled and used his hyper speed to run away but all of sudden he was stopped when he bumped into a warlock. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there," Flynn said while getting up "it's fine. I was actually looking for you," Esmeralda said "I should be going now" "you aren't going anywhere". Before Flynn could use his shillelagh Esmeralda used her telekinesis to impale Flynn with a pole. The leprechaun screamed then exploded so Esmeralda grabbed his shillelagh and some gold from his pockets. She smiled with joy then said "go n-éirí an bóthar leat" while waving the shillelagh then a rainbow appeared. As soon as that happened she put the shillelagh down then walked through the rainbow and was teleported. Esmeralda was teleported to the green meadow where all the other leprechauns lived and stored luck. Once she was there she quickly looked around to find any nearby leprechauns but she couldn't see anyone. So she slipped Flynn's gold in her pocket then started her search for the leprechauns.

The Next Morning

The house was completely silent except for the sound of Liam, Toby, and Violet crying, Sean making breakfast, and Arianna throwing up in the upstairs bathroom. After Arianna finished throwing up she walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water then sat down. "Are you okay" Sean asked "yeah I just haven't been feeling good" Arianna replied "maybe you should go to the doctors" "okay fine. Let me get ready". While Arianna and Sean finished talking Dylan quickly ate all his breakfast then left the house to go to work. Once Dylan left Sean finished feeding the babies then brought them in the playpen so he could eat his food. Then Michael came downstairs and said goodbye to Arianna as she left to go to the doctor's to get a check up. As soon as Michael walked into the kitchen Jayda orbed right in front of him with important information. "Finally you're home. Can you watch the kids" Sean said "sure but it has to wait," Jayda said "why. What's wrong" "someone is killing leprechauns" "what" Michael replied. When Michael and Sean asked what was going on she explained how a couple of warlocks have been killing leprechauns. Once they figured out that they had to do something they all went into the attic but Jayda stayed behind to watch the triplets. "Maybe we could cast a spell to bring us to the leprechauns," Michael said "okay. Can you get started on the spell," Sean said "why can't you do it" "because I don't want to leave my kids" "alright fine but you owe me" "deal". When Michael agreed to start the spell Sean went downstairs to talk with Jayda and spend time with the twins. "Hey honey. How are the boys" Sean said "they're fine. Why aren't you helping Michael" Jayda replied "I can't leave the boys behind" "honey, they aren't going anywhere". He sighed then told Jayda that if something happens to the babies and he can't help he would never forgive himself. When he said that she held his hands then kissed him and explained how they will be safe. After she said that he walked back upstairs to help Michael with the spell to find the leprechauns. Once he got in the attic he saw Michael trying to finish the spell and work on some potions for the warlocks. "Need any help," Sean asked with a smile then helped Michael with the blinding potions so the warlocks couldn't blink.

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