Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When it was almost time for the burning the guards threw Theodore in his cell then walked away not noticing Kaleb sneaking in. He snuck away from the guards and right into the locked up witch's cell while smiling and laughing. "Kaleb what are you doing here," Theodore asked "I came to talk to you," Kaleb said "but you're the one who turned me in" "they have a right to know what you are" "and what about you. This isn't right" "oh shush you'll get over it". Before anyone else could say anything Theodore grabbed a rock and threw it at the smiling warlock. Right, when the rock was about to hit him he lifted his hands and began to slow it down until he grabbed it. "I'm really going to enjoy this power" he laughed "you won't get away with this" Theodore said "but the thing is I already did" "I'll stop you" "I would love to see you try and do just that". After he said that he grabbed a tray and threw it towards him but before it could hit him he blinked away. Then all of a sudden he blinked right back into Theodore's room with a very surprised look on his face. "You startled me," he said "let me out of here. It's me your friend," Theodore said "do you still honestly believe you were a friend" "you tricked me. All these years you pretend to be my friend just to get my powers" "you made it very difficult for me" "you'll pay for what you did to me". Just then Kaleb blinked behind the angry witch and grabbed him by the neck while laughing at him. Instead of killing him right then and there, he threw him to the ground then began walking out of the cell to continue his life. Once he was about to leave Theodore grabbed a locket from his friend to his daughter then he opened it and began to chant. "Outside of time. Outside of gain. Know only sorrow. Know only pain" he chanted "what are you doing" Kaleb replied just before getting cursed "I'm taking back everything you took from me" "NO". When he was finally gone he threw the locket on the floor and sat down while crying then a guard walked in. Instead of fighting back and using his powers to escape, he walked away with the very stern guard.

The Present

Arianna walked into her old house in a rush while still holding onto her son Luke then she placed him into the playpen and went into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she grabbed a cup of coffee and began to talk with her three brothers and sister in law. "Why are you in such a rush" Dylan commented "I have to hurry up and go to work with Tim" Arianna replied "where os he" "he's waiting for me in the car" "then finish your coffee and leave" "bye" "bye love you" "love you". Before she could leave the house and get to work her son started crying so she walked over to him and tried to make him stop. Nothing she was doing worked because he just kept crying and crying until Jayda walked over while holding Liam. "Here let me try something," she said then grabbed the baby "that's weird. Why did he stop crying for you," Arianna asked "just go to work. We can handle the babies" "alright well bye" "bye". Then she finally left the house and went into her car then her husband began to drive to the nightclub. Right after she left Jayda put all the babies in the playpen then she went right back into the kitchen. As soon as she made it back to the kitchen Sean kissed her goodbye and got ready to go to work. "Do you have to leave so soon" asked Jayda "if I want to keep my job I'm going to have to go" he answered "okay just hurry back" "don't worry honey I will. Bye I love you" "I love you too". Shortly after he left to go to work Dylan left the house to get to Pawtucket Media and start his shift. When everyone left Jayda sat down next to her brother in law and slowly started to talk with him. "Guess it's just you and me," she said "guess so" he replied "so what do you want to do" "if this is your way of trying to make me watch the babies it's not going to work" "alright fine I'll watch them". Both of them laughed then the oldest Charmed One walked into his room to relax and talk with his girlfriend. Right after he left she grabbed some baby food and walked over to the laughing babies in the living room.

Once Dylan finally made it to Pawtucket Media he parked his car in his parking space then he quickly rushed inside. After he sat down at his desk his boss walked over to him while holding a very beautiful locket. "I need you to take some pictures of these for the article," Samuel said "alright sure but why can't anybody else do it," he asked "if you want to keep your job I suggest you go" "okay sorry. Just one more question" "what" "what's this for" "just go" "yes sir". Then grabbed the locket and walked over to an empty room to take a few pictures of the necklace. When he finished taking pictures of the front and back he decided to take some of the locket opened up so he grabbed it once more and opened the locket then watched a man come out. "Who are you," Dylan asked "I'm Kaleb Watson and if you freed me from that wretched locket you must be a descendant of Theodore Taveria" before the warlock could get next to him he threw a fireball not knowing what would happen. As soon as the fireball hit him he flew across the room then he stood back up with a large smile. Before he could say anything Dylan threw another fireball but nothing happened when it hit the warlock. Right after that happened the warlock created a fireball so he used his fire throwing on him. Once Kaleb stood back up again he blinked behind Dylan then grabbed his athame and got ready to stab him. "ATHAME" he shouted while using his telekinetic flaming to steal the sharp object from the warlock. Kaleb laughed then he got ready to throw a fireball at the now scared and nervous Charmed One. Right before the fireball could hit Dylan he flamed to the door then he quickly rushed out of the building dropping his bag. When he noticed the bag he opened it up and saw pictures, addresses, and more information on his family work and the first location he saw was Aaron's. He smiled while holding the bag then he quickly blinked away before Samuel walked into the room.

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