Chapter Thirty-Six

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It was getting very late but none of them seemed to care because they were trying to find a way to save Toby. Even though Arianna was getting a little bit tired and she just wanted to go home and see her husband and son she kept planning with her family. "It could be a warlock or a darklighter that turns Toby evil," she said "whoever turns him evil clearly wanted him to end the charmed legacy," Sean said, "we can't let them get away with turning my nephew into a villain". All of them talked and planned while Michael looked through the book of shadows to try and find something. She kept searching through the book but she couldn't find anything that could help them figure out who makes Toby evil. "This is so frustrating" Jayda grunted "we'll figure out what to do so don't worry," her husband said "I just don't want the bad guys to win" "good always wins" "apparently this time it doesn't" "I won't let our son become evil". They talked for about thirty more minutes until Arianna decided she should go home to see her baby boy and husband. When it was time for her to leave she grabbed her car keys before walking outside towards her car. While she was walking a warlock blinked behind her and shapeshifted into her friend Jayda to try and trick her. He snuck up behind her and began talking right before she could go in her car and drive to her apartment. She turned around very quickly and asked what was going on so the warlock pretending to be Jayda started talking. "I'm planning something with Sean but I need to borrow your lipstick," he said as the whitelighter "that's very random but here you go," she said while handing him the lipstick "thanks" "no problem. See you tomorrow" "okay see you later". Once they were done talking Arianna drove away to see her husband Tim and son while the warlock shapeshifted back to his normal self. The moment she was gone he blinked back into the Underworld to talk with Dantalian about their plan. He looked around the cave and that's when he noticed his friend standing near her altar for the ritual.

"It's about time you made it Baros," said Dantalian "I got something of Arianna's," he said "are you sure this touched her lips" "I've been watching the Charmed Ones for days now" "then let's finish this". Now that they had everything for the ritual so Baros could finally get the girl of his dreams and get rid of the other Charmed Ones. The dark priest grabbed the Charmed One's lipstick to begin the ritual and create the thing that Baros needs. She mixed a few things together and muttered some stuff until the ritual was complete and the potion for Baros was finally done. Once it was done the dark priest walked over to Baros to talk about how to use the potion and what it will do. "You kiss her with this on and she'll be paralyzed," she said "is that all," he asked "it will also transport you to me then the wedding can start" "are you sure this will work" "I've done this more times than you can imagine". Both of them kept talking while Dantalian put some of the glossy potion on the warlock's lips so he could kiss the female Charmed One and get her. While she was putting the lipstick on the warlock's lips she told him after he does it Arianna and her siblings will become evil including the book of shadows. Now that everything was ready it was almost time to perform the powerful and very risky ceremony. Dantalian used her powers to cloak her cave so she could have some privacy when she would perform the ceremony. "Everything is done," she said "all we need now is my bride," he said "this all seems like a lot of effort just for a girl" "she's the most beautiful girl in the world" "everything will be worth it when I get the book" "what book" "forget about it". The moment they were done talking and setting up for the wedding Baros decided to leave and get ready. He said goodbye then blinked away before Dantalian could do or say anything to the warlock. Once he left the female dark priest started laughing and giggling over her plan which was almost complete. The dark priest finished setting up some final things until everything was ready then she went through her grimoire.

The Next Day

After a long couple of days, Arianna slowly woke up in her apartment to the sound of her baby and husband. She groaned slightly as she walked into the living room where she saw her two favorite men sitting. "Good morning," Tim said "good morning honey," Arianna said "is everything okay" "yeah I'm fine it's just this whole Toby situation is very stressful" "I can't imagine what Jayda and Sean must be going through". While they were talking the female Charmed Ones began putting some clothes on her little baby boy. Once he was all dressed she sat him down so she could talk with Tim for a little bit longer before work. "I just hope we can save Toby so we can save the charmed legacy," she said "if I know you then I know you'll save him," he said "we've never faced anything like this before" "and you'll still overcome it" "I should get going". Right after she said that she grabbed her son and headed towards the door but Sean stopped her to talk. He grabbed the baby and told her that he should drop off Luke so she could get to work faster. Before she could say anything Tim grabbed the baby and walked over to the door but Arianna quickly stopped him. The both of them kissed slowly but all of a sudden their son Luke used his hands to push them apart. Instead of saying something to the baby they both just laughed and talked for a little bit longer before leaving. "When you drop off Luke hurry up and get to work," she said 'is there something wrong," he said "no but if you stay for a long time they'll plan with you and give you ideas" "okay well I'll see you soon" "alright goodbye" "bye honey". When it was time for them to leave Arianna pulled her husband in for another kiss then she got ready to leave. Once she was ready she grabbed her phone and car keys then she went into her car and drove to work. Now that she was at work she checked her phone messages and noticed a bunch of texts from her siblings. Even though she cared about her siblings she didn't have time to text them back so she rushed inside the nightclub.

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