Chapter Thirty-Five

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Since Sean was already awake he decided to talk with his daughter from the future about Toby and how he becomes evil. He walked into the kitchen but before he could say something he noticed his wife, kids, and brothers walking around. "I didn't think you guys were up," he said "Claire wanted to talk about Toby and which demon might turn him evil" Michael explained "did you guys come up with anything" "we still have no idea who's after Toby" "I'm so frustrated". Both of them kept on talking until the triplets began crying so Sean walked over to try and calm them down. While he was calming down the babies Claire started talking about demons and warlocks and which ones might be after her oldest brother. "It doesn't matter who is after Toby because we'll still vanquish them," Dylan said "you didn't vanquish them before," said Claire "this time will be different. I won't let anything happen to my family" "and neither will I" "then let's plan". Everybody kept on talking and trying to figure out who is after Toby until somebody began knocking on the front door. Jayda stopped feeding her three babies so she could open the door and once she did she welcomed Arianna and her nephew inside then they went into the kitchen. Once they were all together they kept on talking about Toby and his destiny to become evil and destroy the Charmed Ones. "Did you ever think that Toby became evil because of something we did?" Jayda said "what could we do that was so bad to make him evil" Sean asked "I don't know" "but you might be right" "wait a minute that gives me an idea" Claire replied, "what is it". After she said that everybody looked with a confused look but before she could tell them Sean's phone started to ring. He quickly answered the phone and talked with Jeffrey about work then he hung up and turned his attention to his daughter. Now that they were no more interruptions Claire began talking about the future and how they can go there. Right after she said that they all looked at her while she explained her plan to them a little bit more.

"You guys can go to the future to after I'm born then you guys could figure out which demon turns Toby evil" Claire explained "that actually might work. I think I saw a spell like that in the book of shadows" Michael said. As soon as they finished talking they all rushed into the attic and began going through the book until they found the spell. Michael looked at the spell then noticed there was another one to send you back to the present. Everybody looked at the two spells and then began talking about which one of them should go to the future to save Toby. They all thought then agreed the Charmed Ones should go just in case they need the power of four to protect themselves. "We should do this after work," Arianna said "it won't matter because we can just come back to the moment we left," Michael said "obviously. Aren't you nervous about going to the future" "a little bit" "I need to go get ready" "can you just hurry up" "all alright". Once they had a plan it was time to go to the future and figure out which demon or warlock would turn Toby into a powerful enemy. Before they left Jayda stepped aside with her husband to talk in private about him going to the future. She talked about seeing himself older and probably seeing the triplets a little bit older so she told him if that happens he needs to stay calm and cool. Right after she finished talking Sean began laughing but before she could say anything he kissed her cheek. "I won't be gone for a long time," he said "you don't know if that's true," Jayda said "try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone" "I won't. Hurry back" "I'll always come back for you" "and I'll always be waiting". When it was finally time to leave all of the Charmed Ones gathered around to perform the spell. "Hear these words, hear the rhyme. We send to you this burning sign. Then our future selves we'll find, in another place and time," all four of them said just before getting surrounded by wiccan orbs. The moment left the babies began crying so Jayda and Claire helped calm the four of them down.

Once they made it to the future the Charmed Ones quickly turned around and noticed they were in the same place. They also noticed that the attic was more run down and the book of shadows wasn't on its stand. "Is this the right time" Arianna asked "I had Claire write down the date for the spell" Sean answered "if the book isn't here then we have to find another way to get back" "maybe future us could help". When they finished talking all four of them rushed into the living room to try and find the future Charmed Ones. All of them looked around and noticed how the rest of the house looked just like it did in the attic. "Why does the house look like this" Michael said while looking around "this place looks like a dump," Dylan said "let's just hurry up and find future us" "I don't think they're home" "then where will they be" "we can try to call for Jayda". Both of them kept on talking while Sean walked into the other room as he tried calling for future Jayda but it didn't work. He kept on trying to summon her but nothing was happening so he walked back to his siblings. Even though the house was a mess they still kept walking around trying to find the future versions of them. They kept on searching for the future Charmed Ones but they still haven't found them in the manor yet. Instead of continuing the search in the house, they all decided to go somewhere else to try and find the Charmed Ones. Right before they could leave Arianna started talking about how future them might not be in Pawtucket anymore. "Why would we leave Pawtucket. The nexus is under this house so we wouldn't leave it unattended," Sean said "I know what you mean but why else would the house be like this" Arianna asked "I have no idea". Once all of them finished talking they headed towards the front door but all of a sudden something happened. When they were about to leave black and purple orbs appeared in front of them so they backed away. As soon as the black and purple orbs were gone a man appeared and was shocked to see the Charmed Ones.

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