Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Ever since Dylan came out of the shadows and found out he was a half demon Charmed One everybody down below wanted him dead. Demons thought him of a disgrace but nobody could kill him until they found a powerful demon named Sheila. "It's good to see you," Conrad said, "why did you summon me here," she asked "I need your help" "with what" "with killing a witch" "I don't do that anymore" "you didn't let me finish. This witch is not just a witch" "what do you mean". Conrad smiled just before explaining how the witch he wants dead is also half demon and that's when Sheila knew what was going on. She made a fireball then threw it at the demon while telling him to stay away from Dylan or else she'll kill him. "I didn't think you would be so possessive" he smiled "he's my son. If you go after him you'll regret it," she said "maybe I should find somebody else for the job" "are you not listening to me" "I guess we don't need you, Sheila". After he said that he looked at a demon and used his telepathy to tell him to kill Sheila before she could escape. The demon quickly created a fireball but before he could throw it the female demon used her pyrokinesis to incinerate him. Once he was dead she used her power of fire throwing to push Conrad away from her then she got ready to flame. Before she could leave Conrad started to talk with her but she didn't care so she looked away and flamed to safety. "SHE CAN'T LEAVE HER ALIVE" he yelled "what do you want us to do," one of his minions asked "find her and then kill her" "but what about Dylan" "once that traitor is dead we can get rid of him. NOW GO". Right after he said that some demons quickly left and began searching for Sheila while he talked with some lackeys. Everyone comforted their leader but he wanted them to leave him alone and go look for Sheila so they could go after her son and the Charmed Ones. When he told them all to leave the rest of his lackeys looked away then started searching for their victim.

While all of that was going on Dylan walked through the movie theatre with his girlfriend until he found where his movie was playing. Both of them kissed each other quickly then sat down in the back row to have a little bit of privacy. "I've never seen this movie before," Camille said "neither have I but you have to be quiet so we can listen," Dylan said "it's just the credits so who cares" "you're right" "anything new going on" "not really". They kept talking for a little while longer but they were interrupted by a man telling them to stop talking. After that happened they both of them laughed slightly and began whispering to each other about everything that was going on. "Did you guys figure out what to do with Toby" she whispered "not yet. It's so frustrating" her boyfriend whispered back "I can't imagine what you guys must be going through" "can we just focus on us" "CAN YOU BOTH SHUSH" someone yelled. Everyone stopped talking and watched the movie but Camille and Dylan couldn't stop talking. Once the movie was finally over everybody began getting rid of their trash and started leaving the theatre. Dylan grabbed his girlfriend's hand while walking with her to his car then both of them kissed each other slowly. When they were done kissing Dylan asked his girlfriend if she enjoyed the movie and she said yes. Right before they could go in the car Camille asked if they could keep this fun night going which made her boyfriend smile. "What did you have in mind," he asked "maybe we could go back to my place for a little bit" she answered "my siblings might need me" "can you forget about your siblings just for tonight". He kissed her again then stopped all of a sudden when Sheila flamed right in front of them both. They both looked at her with a confused and scared look then the demon smiled at Dylan and asked for his help. Instead of fighting the female demon Dylan let her in his car and began driving to the manor. As he drove to the manor Dylan asked his girlfriend if she wanted to go home but she didn't want to leave him alone.

Once Dylan made it home with the demon and his girlfriend the three of them rushed inside to see his family. The moment they walked inside Michael quickly asked what was going on so Sheila started to tell them everything. "I'm a demon and someone is after you four especially Dylan," she said "and how do we know we can trust you," Arianna asked "because I'm Dylan's mom" "you really expect us to believe that" "of course not". Everybody looked at her then at the fourth Charmed One and that's when they knew she was telling the truth. All of them talked for a little while longer but Dylan wouldn't stop asking his mother questions about his life and father. "How did you and my father meet," he asked "let's not talk about this right now" she replied "can you please tell me something" "after Conrad is dead I'll tell you everything you want to know" "promise" "of course". All of them talked for a little bit longer just before Claire and Sean walked into the sunroom to talk in private. Both of them talked about Sheila and how she could be lying but they can't say anything because it might upset Dylan. The two of them continued talking until Jayda joined them since she was a little bit worried about them. She sat down with them and said how Sheila could be working with Conrad to kill the Charmed Ones before they can fight. "Sheila might be telling the truth but she's still a demon," Jayda said "I know but so is Dylan" Sean explained "that doesn't mean his mother isn't evil" "maybe we should just keep an eye open" "alright fine". Since it was getting a little late Arianna decided to go home so she grabbed her son and told her siblings to call her if necessary. Right after she left the house Camille said she should leave too but she'll be back tomorrow morning. Jayda snuck away from everybody else then orbed to the Elders to confirm Sheila's story that she told them all. About thirty minutes after she left she orbed to everybody and told everybody that Sheila was telling the truth. She then told Sheila that they'll help her get rid of Conrad and all of his lackeys to protect her.

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