Chapter One

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"Where is he," Hellen asked with rage "we don't know yet" Donovan answered, "he has to be there or the Charmed Ones won't receive their powers and our whole plan would be for nothing". Donovan assured Hellen that Michael would be there and when they would get their powers but that wasn't enough for Hellen. "If we don't get their powers The Source will take our powers then kill us both" Hellen said "just calm down. We will get the powers so stop worrying" Donovan said with a tone. Hellen saw from the corner of her eye the Source flame in, "hello your majesty. "What do you need" Donovan said then bowed "do you have the powers or not". Donovan sighed then said they didn't get the powers yet but they were trying. Then The Source held a fireball in his hand and threw it at Donovan. He screamed in pain as the fire spread around his body until he finally exploded. Hellen's eyes widened with fear and she backed away from The Source and he said "GET ME THE POWERS NOW. This is the last time I work with a demonic power broker". "I can't get the powers right away. Michael has to be at the house for them to activate their powers again" Hellen said "I DON'T CARE. ONCE THEY GET THEIR POWERS I WANT YOU TO BRING THEM TO ME". The Source flamed away in a hurry, Hellen looked over and saw a burn mark in the sand and then she smoked to the Charmed Ones house. After a few hours, a taxi pulled up in front of the house and Michael walked out.

"Arianna, what time is Michael coming," Sean asked in concern "I don't know, he should be here by now", as Arianna said that the door opened and Michael walked in. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Michael said "it's ok, can you help Arianna clean the attic and take your old things" "sure but first let me put my things in my old room". Once Michael got upstairs he went into his room and started unpacking. While unpacking he noticed a girl staring at him through the window and when she saw him staring back she walked away. When he was done packing he walked into the attic and saw Arianna already started cleaning. "Hey look it's my old baby blanket," Arianna said with joy "I can't believe Mom kept that" " I'm keeping it for sentimental value". As they laughed and put things in bags, Michael found a book with a weird symbol on it. He skimmed through the book and realized it was a book of witchcraft, he looked over at Arianna cleaning so he walked to her and told her what he found. "Arianna look at this cool book" "what is that," Arianna asked in confusion. Then Michael opened the book and said "The Book of Shadows" Michael said in amazement, Arianna put down the blanket and walked to Michael and the book and told him that the book probably belonged to their Mom because she was into spiritual things and Michael agreed with her. Arianna watched as Michael read the book and as he was reading she looked over and saw more of her old things from her childhood. She picked up a spirit board that belonged to their father and she said "the power of three will set you free".

As he read more of the book and said "listen to this, back in the 1600s there was a witch by the name of Theodore Taveria with the powers of thought, power, and molecules. Theodore was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials for using witchcraft against the law. Before Theodore was burned he prophesied that generations of his line of witches would grow to be more powerful and stronger. It is prophesied that three siblings will rise up to be the charmed ones with the powers of thought, power, and molecules". He continued reading and asked Arianna what if they are witches and they are related to Theodore. "We are not witches and that makes no sense, you stay here I'm going downstairs to get some water" "whatever you want to believe". After she left Michael looked the book and read aloud: "Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night, the oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought, in this night and in this hour, we call upon the Ancient Power, bring your powers to we siblings three, we want the power, give us the power". Then after Michael said that the house shook and the lights sparkled. At first, Michael was shocked at first then thought it was another earthquake and it messed with the electricity. He and Arianna finished cleaning then everybody went to bed and had no idea what was going to happen the next day.

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