Chapter Forty

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It was late one night and instead of sleeping Claire was going through the book of shadows to try and stop a future event from happening. Since she was busy going through the book she didn't notice her father walking down the stairs and into the living room. "What are you doing up," he asked "I'm just trying to find some intel on what demon might be turning Toby evil" she answered "I can tell when you're lying. Just tell me what's going on" "I can't" "why not" "I can't. I'm sorry". After she said that he sat down and began comforting her while his wife walked downstairs to check on her husband. When she saw Claire going through the book of shadows she quickly asked what was going on. "I have no idea. Claire won't tell me anything," he said "that's because I don't want to risk changing anything" she replied "we're a family and we don't keep secrets from each other" "is that why you told your family you were the Source" "that was different". Both of them continued arguing until Jayda sat in between them and said Claire doesn't have to tell them if she doesn't want to. Claire thanked her mother then went into the attic for some alone time to go through the book of shadows. Right after she left Sean looked at his wife and said he's worried something big might happen today. His wife smiled and told his husband if something big was going to happen then Claire would tell them. They kept talking about Claire and the future while Sean thought about what could possibly happen today. When his wife noticed how stressed he was becoming she kissed him slowly then explained it would be fine. "You're right, I'm sorry," he said "how about we go upstairs for some alone time" she smiled "I'll meet you up there" "stop worrying about the future for ten seconds and spend some time with" "I know so I'll meet you up there" "fine". Once they kissed goodbye and Jayda went into their bedroom Sean thought about the future and his son. He thought about it for a couple of minutes then he rushed up the stairs and into his bedroom to see Jayda.

Back in the Underworld, there was a warlock named Jeremiah being threatened by a much more powerful demon. This demon told the warlock to get him some more witch powers or he would kill him and hire somebody else. "I'm sorry sir," Jeremiah said, "that's what I like to hear. Now get me my powers," the demon said, "but I almost died last time" "and how's that my problem" "if I die who'll get you your powers" "don't try to act special. NOW I SAID GO" "alright sir, I'm sorry". Right before Jeremiah could even blink away a swarm of purple and white orbs appeared and when they were gone Parker was there. He looked at the demon then used his electrokinesis to vanquish him then he looked at Jeremiah. "Please don't hurt me Elder" the warlock pleaded "I'm not here to hurt you" Parker laughed "then what is it you want" "I need your power" "what do you mean" "I need you to go after the Charmed Ones" "I can't. If I do they'll vanquish me" "trust me". When Parker said that he explained how the warlock could use his powers of projection to strip the Charmed Ones' powers. Once he finished explaining everything Jeremiah said he has never done anything like that before with his powers. Parker patted his back just before saying he could help him figure it out only if he agrees to go after the Charmed Ones. After he finished saying that Jeremiah thought for a quick second then he agreed to help Parker with his plan. Both of the boys smiled then Parker began telling the warlock about his powers and what he can do with them. "You don't just conjure things, you can also change reality," the Elder said "how can I do that" Jeremiah asked "if you follow me I can teach you" "alright I'll come with you" "you won't regret it". Now that they were on the same page Parker used his remote orbing to orb them both somewhere safer. The moment they were alone and safe Parker began teaching the warlock how to use his projection power. Seventeen minutes later and Jeremiah was finally ready so they both started planning what to do.

The Next Day

Once they woke up they all walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to enjoy their Saturday morning. They all gathered around the island and then Sean noticed that his daughter was still going through the book of shadows. "You always seem to be with that book," he said "I'm just trying to save Toby," she said "and what else are you trying to do" "I said that I can't tell you" "but why" "I can't talk about this right now" "actually you can now sit down. Tell me what's going on". Everybody looked at her and waited for an answer but instead of telling her father what was happening she just grabbed the book and left. Right after she left Jayda told her husband that he needs to forget about it and let their daughter do her thing. "I'll let her do her thing if she just tells me what's going on," he said "it's her business so let her handle it" she replied "but what if something happens with her" "honey you need to calm down and just trust her" "you're right". While they were talking Susan beamed in next to her boyfriend and once he noticed he told her to stop with the beaming. Both of them began arguing as everybody else walked into the living room to talk about Toby and the future. All of them sat down and quickly began talking about how to save Toby and figure out who turned him evil. Dylan said it might be somebody close to them because they can get close enough to him so they could turn him. Everybody kept planning and talking until Michael and Susan walked into the living room to talk with them about the future. "Dylan might be right about it being someone close to us," Michael said "I know but who close to us would want the Charmed Ones dead," Sean said "I don't know but we'll figure it out" "I know I know". They all continued talking and planning then Claire came back downstairs with the three babies in her hands. She put the babies in the playpen and then she gave them food while going through the book of shadows. Claire continued going through the book but when she still found nothing she slammed the book closed and grunted.

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