Chapter Twenty-Three

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While Sean was sleeping he started having visions of himself hurting his friends and his family which made him wake up. He looked around the room a little confused at first then he lied back down to relax and think about everything. Then all of a sudden he was summoned to the Underworld by the Seer who was smiling when she saw him. "Hello, my liege," the Seer said "who the hell are you," Sean asked "I'm here to guide you. All this power must be confusing" "I don't want this power" "not even if I tell you what you can do with it" "go on". Right after he said that the Seer smiled then explained how if Sean keeps the power he will rule the Underworld. While she was explaining his new destiny he sat down and kept listening to her until she was all done talking. "What makes you think I want to rule demons," asked Sean "because you would be able to create a safe world for your children" the Seer answered "don't talk about my kids" "just think about it. A Charmed One ruling demons to protect his kids" "I SAID STOP". As soon as he yelled used his new powers to energy blast the Seer into the wall but she got back up. Once she got up she looked at Sean with a smile and began talking while walking towards him again. "You see what I mean. You're unstable," the Seer said "I'm fine. Just leave me alone" Sean replied "just think about what I said" "take the power back. Please" "the Source chose you". The Seer laughed while walking around her cave then she sat down and watched Sean start to worry. Sean began to worry about his friends and his wife then he worried about his family and especially his siblings. Before the Seer could say anything to Sean he stood up and used his hyper speed and strength to pin her against the wall. "Take the powers back, now," Sean said "I already told you the Source chose you. It's too late," the Seer said "I don't want to hurt anyone" "you won't if you let me guide you". After the Seer finished explaining everything Sean turned away then flamed back home where he went to bed with more nightmares.

The Next Day

Everyone was already downstairs and eating their breakfast when Sean finally woke up after a crazy couple of days. Once he sat down in the kitchen Michael handed him a plate of food while he sat down to eat his breakfast. They all ate their food and talked about what they would be doing that day after eating their food. "I have to go to work today," Dylan said "are you going to work today too," Arianna asked her brother so he nodded "why aren't you working" "I already explained everything to you" "okay fine sorry". When they finished talking and eating Dylan started getting ready for work in his bedroom while Michael washed his dish. As soon as he came downstairs Arianna called him into the kitchen to share some pretty big news. "I'm moving out," said Arianna "you're doing what," Michael asked "Tim asked me to move in with him" "but what about the power of four" "if you guys need me Dylan can come get me or I can drive". The more everyone thought about the more they realized it would be good for Arianna to move out. Instead of continuing the conversation, they all said she should move out but she should be careful since she wouldn't be with her siblings then Dylan said goodbye and left. Right after Dylan left to go to work Arianna went upstairs to call Tim and tell him the exciting news. "How're you feeling about this," Jayda asked "I think it would be good for her to spend alone time with Tim" Sean answered, "I agree. It's getting late you should get ready for work". Once both of them finished talking Jayda went back to feeding the babies while Sean went upstairs. While he was getting ready for his shift at Aaron's he looked in the mirror and noticed he was getting pale. He just ignored it then went down the stairs to say goodbye to everyone before they noticed him. Then he got into his car and started driving to Aaron's feeling nervous about what happened with him last night. When he finally made it to his job he parked the car and quickly went inside but not before locking the car doors.

"We need something stronger to eat," Adriel said "it's hard finding something strong enough for you," Demetrius said "I HIRED YOU TO FIND SOMETHING FOR ME AND MY BROTHER" "it's not my fault you got cursed". Demetrius smiled and laughed while Adriel and his brother Tierney started getting a little bit angry with him. They both walked a little closer to him which scared Demetrius because of how they looked and acted. Adriel and Tierney had red eyes, white hair, and pale skin and it really freaked out the demon they hired. "Enough you two," said the Seer "what are you doing here," Adriel asked "I'm here to offer you both a deal" "what kind of deal" "how would you two like to never have to feed again" "I'm listening". Before the Seer answered any of their questions they walked into Adriel and Tierney's house to talk. Once they all sat down the Seer started talking about the deal she wanted to make with them both. "If you do something for me I'll give you immunity from the Source," the Seer said "what do you mean" asked Tierney "I want you to go after the Charmed Ones' babies". Both of the parasite demons thought for a moment about what the Seer was planning so Adriel spoke up. He told the Seer going after the babies would be suicide but they would do it if she gives them something else. "What is it you want" asked the Seer "we want your powers" Adriel answered "deal but only if you succeed in getting the triplets" "how do we know we can trust you" "you don't now go get them" "fine". Then the Seer smiled at the two demons while she glistened back into the underworld and into her cave. Once she was gone the two parasite demons started talking about getting the twin babies from the Charmed Ones. After they had a plan they walked outside and to the demon they hired and they told him what they wanted. When Demetrius said he wouldn't do it Adriel said that he would up the price if he gets the three babies. Right after he said that Demetrius agreed to steal the three babies away from the Charmed Ones.

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