Chapter Forty-Two

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It was late one night and a girl was walking to her car in the parking lot after such a long day at work. She was about to get into her car and because of that, she didn't notice the two Seeker fade behind her. "Hello, are you Hannah," the female Seeker said "oh hey. Yes that's me. Did you two need something," she said "we just have a few questions for you" "what about" "tell us what you know about Claire Mercado" "that name doesn't ring a bell" "maybe this picture will help". While the both of them were talking the male Seeker floated to Hannah's car to try and see if she was hiding anything in there. Once they finished talking Hannah turned around causing the male Seeker to stop using his powers before she would notice. "Don't leave yet" the male Seeker said "I really have to get going" Hannah said "we need more information" "and I told you everything" "no you didn't. Now tell us everything" "I really need to get going now" "we have a better idea". Right before Hannah could leave and go home the female seeker grew some fangs and began feeding from her. The female seeker kept feeding from Hannah until she died and she got all the information she wanted. Now that they had the information they got from Hannah they could figure out who to attack next. Both of them sat down then started talking about what they learned from Hannah so they could figure out who else knows a lot about Claire. Just before they could continue talking somebody came walking towards them so the two Seekers faded away. Once they made it to the Underworld they began talking about Claire and the future for a little bit more. "Hannah knew a few things about Claire which means we are closer to figuring out how to get to the future," the female Seeker said "this plan is perfect," the male Seeker said"I don't know about that" "why not" "Claire's a Charmed One". Their talking soon stopped when Parker orbed into the Underworld to talk with the Seekers about their plan. He looked at the both of them but before they could say anything he started talking with the both of them.

Parker told them both a little bit about Claire like how she is the daughter of Sean and Jayda from the future. After he said that the Seekers told him everything they knew and were shocked when he said they were wrong about some things. "What are we missing," the female Seeker asked "Claire didn't come here for family time. Her brother becomes evil in the future so she came to stop it" Parker said "then what do you want with her" "I want to save good magic". Before the female demon could say something back Parker explained how Toby and Claire need to be taken care of. He then told them that if he can get rid of Toby then the future of good magic will be back and the future will be saved then the female Seeker turned to him. "And what if we don't help you," she said "we need each other. If you don't help me then I won't help you," he said "how could you help us" "with me, you won't have to kill anybody for information" "okay fine". Once they agreed to work together Parker began telling them everything about the future including Claire. While he was explaining the Seekers sat down and listened while looking at each other and thinking. They thought about what Parker was saying and how if they can take the information from him then they won't need him after all. Sometime soon passed so Parker said goodbye before he orbed back to magic school to see his assistant. As soon as he left the two demons began talking to each other about what Parker said to them about Claire. Now that both of them knew a lot about the future girl they could get ready to kill her and go to the future. "But what about Parker," the male Seeker asked "I don't know about him. Part of me doesn't trust him at all," the female Seeker said "maybe we shouldn't trust him" "if it wasn't for him we wouldn't know how to kill Claire" "true". Even though the two demons didn't trust Parker they still knew that he would be a great partner to work with. Instead of talking about it some more the two demons just sat down and relaxed for a little while.

The Next Day

The very next day when Sean and his wife woke up they grabbed their three children then walked into the kitchen. When they went into the kitchen Sean noticed his brother Dylan using his thermokinesis to boil and then freeze a cup of water. "Can you please stop using your powers before you break something" he said "if I don't practice then we could get hurt or somebody else might" his brother said "you overthink things a lot" "you may be right about that". Meanwhile Jayda was talking with Claire about the babies until somebody knocked on the front door. Everybody looked at Jayda until she finally stopped feeding the babies and went to open the front door and Tim walked in to drop off Luke then he left. "This house is getting emptier every day," Sean said "I'm guessing you miss your brother," his wife said "he lived here for his whole life and now he's just gone" "you're going to have to get over it" "you're absolutely right". Once they finished talking Dylan said goodbye then left the house to go to work at Pawtucket Media. Shortly after he left Sean started getting ready for his job at Aaron's that he was running a little bit late for. Instead of saying goodbye to everybody like he normally does Sean just grabbed his keys and began driving to the restaurant. Now that the mother and daughter were alone they could talk about things like the Charmed Ones' new powers. They talked about the Charmed Ones while feeding the babies until Claire mentioned something. She said how in the future after they got their powers a demon attacked them to get the black amber. "Does the demon get what it's looking for" Jayda asked "I don't really know. Dad never wanted me to know about his failures" Claire answered "I'll go check with the Elders just in case" "okay but hurry". When she finally left Claire turned towards her three older siblings and her nephew then she started feeding them. Forty-two minutes later and Jayda finally orbed back in the manor to tell her daughter everything the Elders told her.

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