Chapter Fifty

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Right after Sean woke up he got dressed and then he went downstairs where everyone else was eating and talking. As soon as they saw him they said good morning and then Dyan went back to talking about moving out. "Later this week Camille and I will be moving in together," he said "wait you're moving out," Sean asked "yeah Camille and I have been talking about it for a while now" "speaking of Camille how's she been doing" "she's very stressed" "so was Jayda". The two brothers kept talking while Melissa and Jayda fed the triplets and made sure they were ready to start their day. When they were done feeding the triplets so Jayda opened it and welcomed her nephew and sister and law. "How's my little niece," Arianna asked "she's doing good but I'm more worried about Camille" Dylan answered "is everything okay" "yeah it's just she's so scared and nervous all the time. I just want to be able to protect her" "it'll be fine". Everyone kept on talking until someone else knocked on the front door so Arianna went to open it. Once she opened the door Michael walked in holding his daughter Layla then they went into the kitchen. All of them sat down while Dylan talked about his daughter that would be born soon and his girlfriend. Fifteen minutes of talking about Dylan later and Michael changed the subject to talk about magic school. He said how yesterday when he went to work he had to deal with a lot of things that he wasn't expecting. They all continued talking and that's when Sean noticed the time so he tried to leave and go to work. "On your way back home don't forget Liam's ointment," Jayda said, "yeah I know you keep reminding me," Sean said "alright bye" "bye "wait. What's wrong with Liam" Michael asked, "nothing he just has a rash" "oh okay. I should get going to". Shortly after they finished talking Sean grabbed his car keys and he had a premonition of Melissa getting captured. He gasped when his premonition ended then he told everyone in the room what he saw and how they could stop it.

After Sean told everyone about the premonition he had they sat down in the living room and talked about how to protect Melissa. Dylan said they need to stay home so they could all keep an eye on Melissa just in case something happens. "I have to get to work," Michael said "Melissa is more important than running a school," Dylan said "she really isn't. I can ask my assistant to take over for me today" "thank you. I'll call out of work now" "okay sounds good". While they all talked and planned Melissa texted her brother Mason that something big might be going to happen. Right after she sent that text Mason replied with he didn't plan anything so she should be alert. "How're you feeling," Arianna asked "I don't really know. It's not the first time something like this happened" Melissa replied "yeah I guess so. If you need anything let me know" "okay. I actually just want to rest" "are you sure. What if something happens" "true". Before they could even finish talking the door swung open and Raul came running into the living room. Everyone stared at Raul and then all of a sudden some demonic power brokers smoked into the house. Once that happened Arianna used her powers to kill two of the demons while Dylan killed the rest. Just before they could ask Raul what was going on more demons smoked inside of the living room. Sean groaned with rage and then he used his temporal stasis to freeze everything except for his family and friends. Now that everything was frozen it would be easier to kill the demons so Dylan and Arianna vanquished them. "Now can someone please tell me what the hell is going on" Michael huffed "I think I messed up again" Michael replied "you think. Tell us what happened" "I don't know. Last week demons started attacking me again" "sit down". Right after they finished talking and they made sure no more demons were coming they sat down to start planning. While they were talking and planning Raul looked at Melissa and then he smiled at her just before beginning to talk.

Raul told everyone that a couple of weeks ago he was at home and that's where he met Ezekiel but before he could say anything he was attacked. He said that Ezekiel and the other demonic power brokers are after his power because something is going to happen. "What's going to happen," Michael asked "I don't know but the demons probably want my power to confirm it" Raul responded "as long as you're here we'll keep you safe from them" "thanks" "no problem". Shortly after they finished talking Michael walked away and then he came back with the book of shadows to help with their problem. As soon as he sat down Raul touched the book which caused him to have a premonition. "Okay tell us what happened," Sean said "I saw you four fighting something powerful. There were two other people but I couldn't see their faces," Raul said "what else happened" "I saw them kill you" "I'm guessing that's the Ultimate Power". Everyone kept talking while Michael went through the book of shadows until he found something important. When he finished reading everything about the Ultimate Power he looked at his friends and family to tell them. Michael said that there's a prophecy of two powerful witches destined to kill the Charmed Ones. Once he finished talking everyone looked at him as if he was joking but he was being dead serious. Now that they all knew what was happening they had to find a way to prevent what was going to happen. Instead of focusing on the Ultimate Power any longer, they decided to talk about the demonic power brokers. "If they want your power they probably are just trying to confirm the rumors of the Ultimate Power," Arianna said "yeah I know," Raul said, "we can't let them get your power because if they do we would all be dead". They all talked for a couple of more minutes until moving into the attic to go through other grimoires. While they went through the book to learn more about demonic power brokers Michael began thinking about the Ultimate Power.

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