Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Source sat on his throne talking with some other demons about his plan to get the Charmed Ones until his close friend the Seer glistened in his cave. As soon as she was there the other demons stopped talking to the source then they all walked away. "What is it you want Seer," said the Source "I had a vision," the Seer said "what did you see. Tell me" "why don't you tell me" "I don't know what you're talking about" "yes you do" "fine. How did killing the Charmed Ones go". Right after he said that the Seer sat down and said she has a bad feeling about the Charmed Ones and what would happen if he goes to kill them. While the Seer was talking about her vision and what she is feeling the Source looked around the cave and wondered what to do. Once she finished explaining everything the Source stood up and walked over to her very slowly. "How can you be so sure of this," the Source said "you must believe me. If you go after the Charmed Ones it won't be good for you" the Seer replied "I can handle" "no you can't. Trust me". They kept talking about the Seer's vision and about what the Source should do with the witches. Both of them started coming up with ideas on how to sneak up on the Charmed Ones and kill them. "If I use the hollow I'll be unstoppable," the Source said "are you not listening to me. I said you don't stand a chance against them," said the Seer "not even with the hollow" "if you take the hollow they will kill you and if you escape you'll be the end of us all". Once they finished talking and planning the Seer decided to leave so she said goodbye and glistened away. As soon as the Seer was gone all of the other demons came back to talk with their leader about what happened. Everyone asked what the Seer said about going after the Charmed Ones so the Source had to think about what to tell them. He sighed then said how his close friend gave him permission to go after the witches and finally kill them once and for all.

The Next Day

Everyone in the house woke up feeling excited and a little bit nervous as they got out of bed and started putting on their robes. Sean kissed his wife good morning then grabbed his three kids and walked downstairs to give them some breakfast. Once he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen he saw his siblings sitting down while Michael cooked some eggs and bacon. "Good morning," Sean said "good morning and good morning my little babies," Arianna said, "good you grab me a bowl for the kids" "sure. Where's Jayda" "she's coming down soon". As soon as they were all downstairs they started eating their food then they talked about the wedding. They talked about how they would have to leave soon to start preparing for Arianna's big day. "Do you have a nanny for the triplets" Michael asked "why can't they come" Sean replied "I just want to know what you're going to do with Toby, Liam, and Violet" "they're coming" "alright". When they all finished their breakfast they quickly put some clothes on and grabbed their suits and dresses. Right after they were all ready they got into their car and started driving to the church to start preparing everything. They drove for about minutes until they finally made it to the church where they would have Arianna and Tim's wedding. "Arianna start getting ready while we set some things up," Dylan said "okay. Can you tell Tim that I miss him if you see him," Arianna said "alright just go. You can't be late for your own wedding" "fine I'm leaving. I love you" "love you too". Right after she left they all left the car to help other people with the wedding decorations and chairs. While they were setting up Dylan's phone started ringing so he went to go answer it and the phone call was from his girlfriend Caitlin. Both of them talked on the phone for a little bit about what to do after the wedding until Dylan had to go so he hung up. After he hung up and finished setting up he walked into the dressing room to put on his suit and do his hair. They all continued getting ready until Jayda, Sean, Liam, Toby, and Violet were all ready so they went to Arianna.

"I'm not sure about this anymore," Arianna said "what are you talking about," said Jayda "what if people only think we got married because I'm pregnant" "don't listen to them. You got married because you wanted to" "you're right" "go finish getting ready". Once they were done putting on their clothes and doing their hair and makeup they started taking their seats. Arianna stayed behind with Michael while everyone else took their places including her soon to be husband. When everyone was in their places they started looking around then the music started so Arianna wrapped her hand around Michael's and walked with him down the aisle. Right after she made it to the front of the church with Tim the music stopped and the priest started talking. As soon as the priest said they could exchange vows Tim took a deep breath then started to talk. "You started out as my boss then you became my friend. I never expected us to get together but I was so happy when we did..." Tim continued "the moment I saw you my heart dropped. I always hoped we would get together but I didn't expect it to get this far...". When the wedding was almost over the priest said you may kiss the bride so Tim and Arianna kissed. Then everyone cheered and started going home while congratulating Arianna and her husband. "I'm so happy for you both," said Dylan "thanks. Are you coming to the after party at Étoile" Tim replied, "I'll be there but I don't know about Caitlen". Then they all grabbed their things and started getting ready to go home and change their clothes for the after party. Everyone talked to each other while people started taking down the decorations and putting the chairs away. "How is everything with you and Caitlen," asked Sean "I don't know. We are getting really close but I don't know how to tell her my secret" he answered "you just have to go for it like I did," Arianna said. All of them continued their conversation until Sean noticed his cousin Raul so he grabbed his kids and walked over to them.

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