Chapter Ten

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"I'M TIRED OF WAITING" Isabella yelled "babe you need to calm down," Jaden said "EVERYTHING WE THROW AT THEM THEY DEFEAT" "I know. My dad keeps reminding me" "then why don't we just kill them" "it's too dangerous. Even my dad can't fight them yet. He is afraid". Isabella grunted with rage and yelled "THAT'S IT", Jaden looked at her confused then realized what she wanted to do. Before she could shimmer away Jaden held an energy ball in his hand and told her if she tried to go after the Charmed Ones she would die. But she didn't care then she looked right at him then said "we have to kill them. Before it's too late". "You can't just go after them without a plan," Jaden said "if I don't go at all they will just get stronger then come after us" "just be careful" "I will". Jaden walked over to Isabella and held her in his arms while he leaned in for a kiss. Once they finished kissing Isabella told Jaden that once she killed the Charmed Ones they could split their powers and then go after The Source. They both smiled at each other and then Isabella kissed him goodbye and shimmered away. After Isabella shimmered away Jaden opened a portal and his father walked through and sat down. "You do realize we are going to have to get rid of her," The Source said "I know dad but she is my girlfriend" Jaden replied "I don't care. Kill her and KILL HER NOW". Jaden sighed as he watched The Source flame away but before he left he set Jaden's shirt on fire. Once Isabella shimmered in front of the Charmed Ones house she hid behind some bushes and watched them come downstairs.

Once everyone was downstairs Michael began pouring everybody coffee and getting them some cereal. While everybody was eating Michael read someone's thoughts but it wasn't his siblings but instead of checking he just shrugged it off.. "So how did everybody sleep," Arianna asked "fantastic," Sean said while smiling at Jayda "good thing I have a white noise machine" "me too. I love you both but I don't want to hear any of that" Michael said. They all laughed then put their dishes in the sink and went to get ready to start their days. Sean hopped in the shower and started washing then Arianna walked in to get a hairbrush and yelled when she saw Jayda with him. "ARIANNA GET OUT" he yelled "oh my god I'm so sorry. I'm leaving" Arianna replied while covering her eyes and walking out of the bathroom. Jayda laughed as Sean rolled his eyes then his alarm went off and he hopped out of the shower and went into his bedroom. Once he was dressed he kissed Jayda goodbye and said bye to his siblings then he got into his car and left. After Sean left Arianna got ready for work then got into her car and drove to the nightclub to set up and see Tim. While Sean was driving he got a text from the wedding planner telling him that they can do the wedding at the church and his tux was read. After a few minutes, Sean finally arrived at Aaron's then he parked his car and went inside to start his shift.

After Sean went inside he walked to the computer and clocked himself in then started filling in orders. While he was cooking he noticed that Jeffrey was walking straight towards him with a smile on his face. "Hey congratulations," Jeffrey said "what do you mean," Sean asked "I heard about you and Jayda" "oh thanks. How did you hear about it" "Michael asked me if we could cater the wedding" "well thanks for the surprise". Jeffrey laughed then gave Sean a hug and then grabbed the mop and walked into the storage room to clean up. Once Sean finished cooking he went outside to take a little break and then someone walked up to him. The girl walked in front of him and said "Hi I'm Isabella. Are you Sean" "yeah that's me but who are you again" "I'm Isabella" "sorry the name doesn't ring a bell" "don't worry it will". Sean gave a confused look and slowly backed up and watched as she picked up her hand and shot electricity aiming for him. He acted quick and raised one hand which made everything freeze except for him and Isabella which made Sean confused. "What. did you expect me to freeze" Isabella asked with a smile "how did you do that" Sean asked then dodged the electricity before it caught up speed and hit him. He then used his molecular acceleration to set Isabella's shirt on fire which made her scream with fear and pain. After she put the fire out she grunted with anger then shimmered away leaving Sean alone. Once she was gone he unlocked the back door then ran back inside and asked Jeffrey if he could leave to go over wedding plans. "Sure just don't make this a habit," Jeffrey told Sean "okay I promise I won't it's just this is really important" "okay see you tomorrow" "bye see you soon". And then Sean got into his car and started driving home to the book of shadows to find out more about who attacked him.

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